

Food Allergies and Selective Eaters - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Welcome back new camper families! Today, we are diving into a topic that we get asked about a lot – how food works when you have a camper with food al...

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What's it Like to Participate in the Honor Council Leadership Program?

by Catherine

by Catherine


One of our favorite (updated!) traditions at Greystone is the Honor Council Leadership Program! Senior Seniors can choose to opt-in at the beginning o...

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Activities Offered: Summer 2023

by Sarah

by Sarah


Today is an exciting day - we are announcing our 2023 class offerings for the summer! Girls come to Greystone for many reasons, but our class activiti...

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Cabin Tour Video - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new campers! Today, you are in for a treat. We have a great video to show you the inside of a cabin at Greystone, and its even more fun because ...

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Join Us for the 2023 Great Day Alumnae Weekend

by Catherine

by Catherine


Hello alums! Spring means that camp is almost here, and while most of you won’t be pulling in the gates on Opening Day, your chance to be at camp is c...

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Parent Blog: Packing Tips and Tricks - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hi! I’m Katie Nicholson Wynn. I’m a former Greystone camper and counselor, and last summer officially graduated to my new affiliation with Greystone -...

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The 2023 Greystone Store Lookbook

by Catherine

by Catherine


It’s almost time to start packing for camp! And while there are many ways to pack, The Greystone Store’s mission is to make your camp preparations a b...

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How Scanned Letters Work - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new camper parents! We are excited for another week of our New Camper Blog series! If you are just now joining us, make sure to check out our pa...

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Camp Recipes to Bring the Greystone Kitchen to You

by Catherine

by Catherine


Is anyone else out there craving some camp food right about now? It feels like forever since you had that last Opening Day scone, and your next one wo...

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Parent Blog: Practice Before the Summer - New Camper Blog Series

by Leah

by Leah


Hi! My name is Leah and my daughter is Nora Day (10 years old). I became a Greystone girl in college when I worked at camp for three summers and now m...

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Haley and Lindsey: Co-Counselors to Lifelong Best Friends

by Catherine

by Catherine


We love highlighting our alum’s stories, and that is especially fun when we get to share about the friendships that connect Greystone Girls for decade...

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How to Speak Up for Yourself - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new camper families! Tuesday means another week of our New Camper Blog series where we look at a topic that is relevant to our first time camper...

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Check Out Our NEW Staff Website!

by Catherine

by Catherine


It’s not every day that we launch a BRAND NEW website, and we wanted you to be the first to know! Say hello to campgreystonestaff.com, our new hub for...

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Help Work Opening or Closing Day!

by Sarah

by Sarah


Are you a Greystone alumna or a Greystone parent who would love to be more involved in camp? We have a great opportunity for you! We are looking for s...

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Welcome New Campers - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new camper families! Today is like Christmas over here at camp as we are kicking off one my favorite new camper traditions - our New Camper Blog...

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2023 Staff Profiles Are Live!

by Catherine

by Catherine


You heard that right - it’s one of our favorite days of the year (besides Opening Day!). We can finally start to introduce you to our incredible 2023 ...

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How to Save Money While Packing for Camp

by Sarah

by Sarah


Our Parent Handbook is heading your way in a matter of days, and we know that it will get your head thinking about the summer. Packing for camp is a b...

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Alumnae Stories: The Greystone Pranks that May (or May Not) Have Happened

by Sarah

by Sarah


While so many aspects of Greystone have stayed the same over the years, many alumnae can point to some pretty significant changes at camp. It wasn’t t...

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Why Work at Greystone? We Asked, Our Staff Answered!

by Catherine

by Catherine


We’ve told you why employers love hiring camp counselors and shared what it’s like to be a first-time counselor at Greystone, as well as what might su...

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Camp Weddings through the Years

by Catherine

by Catherine


As a girls camp, it’s no surprise that we love a wedding, especially when it’s a camp wedding! While we don’t host weddings very often, we’ve had some...

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New Year Head Staff Faves

by Sarah

by Sarah


While we wish we were experiencing the warm sunny days of camp, these frigid weeks of winter here in Tuxedo make us long for the summer. How does our ...

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Contest Winner: Our New Fort Activity

by Catherine

by Catherine


We love a good contest around here, and we love a contest winner announcement even more! You submitted SO many incredible ideas for our Fall Contest. ...

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Farm Barn Update!

by Ellen-Anne

by Ellen-Anne


It might be the middle of winter here at camp, but what continues to bring us warmth and a whole lot of sunshine is the thriving daily life of our Far...

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Check Out the 2022 Greystone Photobook

by Catherine

by Catherine


Summer 2022 is in the rearview now, but we have one last resource to share to help you reminisce on our (latest) best summer ever: the 2022 Greystone ...

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Junior Staff Just Wanna Have Fun!

by Alli

by Alli


As a staff member at Camp Greystone, you are going to develop an immense number of skills. We’ve explained why employers love hiring camp counselors ...

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Our Favorite New Devotion Resources

by Catherine

by Catherine


January is the perfect time of the year to start new habits, and what better habit to foster this year than your spiritual growth! We have a great lis...

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Why Employers Love Hiring Camp Counselors

by Sarah

by Sarah


Let’s imagine that you are a college student and are trying to figure out what to do with your summer. Your parents are pushing you to do an internshi...

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Alumnae Stories: Camp Friendships that Last

by Catherine

by Catherine


For so many of us, camp is synonymous with friendship. You can’t think about the golden days of Greystone without remembering your bunkmate, Penpal, o...

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What You Wouldn't Guess about Year-Round Life at Camp

by Anne Hayden

by Anne Hayden


It’s easy to think that camp completely shuts down after the last Closing Day of the summer. And, in some ways, that’s true! The Blob comes out of the...

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