

What You Wouldn't Guess about Year-Round Life at Camp

by Anne Hayden

by Anne Hayden


It’s easy to think that camp completely shuts down after the last Closing Day of the summer. And, in some ways, that’s true! The Blob comes out of the...

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23 Camp Moments We’re Excited for This Year

by Catherine

by Catherine


Happy 2023, Greystone Girls! And even more excitingly, we can finally say “happy camp year” again. Here in Tuxedo, we are always anticipating the next...

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Your (and Our!) Favorite Moments from Summer 2022

by Catherine

by Catherine


Plans are already well underway for summer 2023, but we couldn’t let the year end without reflecting one last time on just a few of the magical and me...

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Spend Christmas with our Head Staff!

by Sarah

by Sarah


The holiday season is upon us, and we hope that you and your family are counting down these final days until Christmas. As you’re preparing for your o...

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Why Working in the Greystone Kitchen Is So Special

by Alli

by Alli


All of our Greystone Staff Applications are live now, and that includes our Kitchen Staff Application! Did you know that we hire teenagers to prepare ...

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25 Games to Gift Based on Her Favorite Things at Camp

by Sarah

by Sarah


Have a Greystone girl you are shopping for this holiday season? Today, we are pairing up two of our favorite things: camp and games! Our Card Games cl...

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Christmas List to Packing List: Our Best Gift Ideas

by Catherine

by Catherine


We love gift-giving here at Greystone (we’re even doing our own office secret Santa exchange next week!). We think it matters, and not just because it...

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Behind the Scenes of Our 2022 Fall Staff Recruiting Trips

by Anne Hayden

by Anne Hayden


This fall found us back out on the road, traveling in the southeast and beyond to see old staff members and meet new ones. We stopped by Furman, Woffo...

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Video Series: Growing in the 4-Fold Way at Greystone

by Catherine

by Catherine


On Monday, we shared with you a few of the things our campers learned at Greystone last summer. Those lessons ranged from silly to serious and everyth...

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What Do You Learn at Greystone? Hear from Our Campers!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Since 1920, parents have greeted their daughters on Closing Day with some version of “you have grown so much!” Physical growth is a part of that of co...

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Introducing the Greystone T-shirt Challenge

by Catherine

by Catherine


Camp t-shirts have become a bit of a currency around here; nothing makes our campers cheer more than hearing that a shirt giveaway is coming in their ...

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Our 2022 Alumnae Sparks is Live!

by Sarah

by Sarah


Greystone Alumnae, it’s that time of year again! We know you are missing your second-home…dear ‘ole Greystone…and today, we’re excited to give you a l...

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Camp Recipes to Make for Your Friendsgiving

by Catherine

by Catherine


‘Tis the season for gratitude and long meals with the people we love, complete with great food and even better conversation - all things we LOVE here ...

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Crowd Sourced: How Do You Display Your Camp Memories?

by Catherine

by Catherine


There’s a reason your trunk feels much fuller going home than it did on your way to camp (and it’s not just that all those dirty clothes seem to have ...

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The Greystone Library's Most Popular Titles

by Sarah

by Sarah


While we may say that unselfishness is the “secret of Greystone,” one of the true secret hidden gems at camp is the Greystone Library. Tucked inside W...

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A Camp Mystery

by Anne Hayden

by Anne Hayden


Girls, today is the day that we get to share with you one of the greatest mysteries of 2022. It was a calm and sunny afternoon, 4:30 p.m. to be exact....

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Alumnae, We Want Your Updates!

by Catherine

by Catherine


No matter if you were at Greystone for one year or twenty, if you joined us as a camper, staff member, or as a parent, we consider you a part of our c...

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What We're Into: Fall Favorites

by Sarah

by Sarah


Fall is the one of the BEST seasons to be at camp, and we wish all of you could enjoy its glory with us. The leaves are magnificent, and our entire He...

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The Moments You May Not Know about from 2022

by Sarah

by Sarah


Summer 2022 was EPIC in so many ways. Through Jimboy’s summer blogs, it is easy to stay in the know on what is happening in camp. But, some of the bes...

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Your Answers: What Do You Want Your Counselor to Know?

by Catherine

by Catherine


The camper-counselor relationship is like nothing else; your counselor takes care of you like a mom but is also a big sister and a best friend. It’s s...

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New Fall Contest: Pick a New Activity for the Fort

by Catherine

by Catherine


We love a good contest around here, and our Fall 2022 Contest is an especially fun one: we’re giving you the chance to pick a brand new activity for t...

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Staff Blog: What No One Told Me about Working at Greystone

by Catherine

by Catherine


All of our staff applications are now officially live, and we’ve already begun praying for the 2023 staff the Lord will put together. It’s one of our ...

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The New-Staff Application is Finally Live!

by Catherine

by Catherine


First-year staff, you have been SO patient since we released our returning staff application a couple of weeks ago, and the time has finally come. Our...

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Meet Our Summer 2022 Concert Artists (and a Playlist!)

by Catherine

by Catherine


The summer concert series has become a favorite tradition at Main Camp, and it’s not hard to see why! Picture yourself hanging out on the Pageant Cour...

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10 Lessons from Summer Camp to Remember this School Year

by Catherine

by Catherine


Your Chaco tan has faded and you’ve put away your trunk for the year. As the leaves start to change, those golden days at Greystone can seem so far aw...

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The 2023 Returning Staff Application Is Live!

by Catherine

by Catherine


The title says it all: returning staff, we want you back so badly, we just couldn’t wait! Our first-year staff application will open in two weeks (on ...

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