Meet Some of Our 2025 Staff: Profiles Are Live!
You heard that right - it’s one of our favorite days of the year (besides Opening Day!). We can finally start to introduce you to our incredible 2025 ...
You heard that right - it’s one of our favorite days of the year (besides Opening Day!). We can finally start to introduce you to our incredible 2025 ...
We are in the thick of staff hiring season here in Tuxedo, and getting to talk to prospective counselors all day is such a joy! We love telling them t...
As the summer gets closer, our hiring season is starting to wrap up for the year, which means we are having lots of conversations with future counselo...
There’s no doubt that working as a Greystone counselor is the most purposeful, fun, and growth-filled way to spend your summer (but don’t just take it...
It feels like Christmas morning here in Tuxedo, because it’s finally time to release our 2024 counselor applications! This is your chance to apply ear...
It’s not every day that we launch a BRAND NEW website, and we wanted you to be the first to know! Say hello to, our new hub for...
You heard that right - it’s one of our favorite days of the year (besides Opening Day!). We can finally start to introduce you to our incredible 2023 ...
This time of year is peak staff application season for us, and here in Tuxedo, we are busy talking to prospective counselors, reading applications, an...
The camper-counselor relationship is like nothing else; your counselor takes care of you like a mom but is also a big sister and a best friend. It’s s...
All of our staff applications are now officially live, and we’ve already begun praying for the 2023 staff the Lord will put together. It’s one of our ...
The title says it all: returning staff, we want you back so badly, we just couldn’t wait! Our first-year staff application will open in two weeks (on ...
Last week you got to meet our Full-Summer Group Leaders, and today we get to introduce you to our Junior Camp Group Leaders! Every age-group at Greyst...
We’ve been introducing you to our full-summer staff, Junior Camp staff, and nurses all spring long, and today we finally get to brag on our 2022 full-...
March and April at camp bring so much excitement as we start to finalize all the details for our next best summer ever, and that applies to our staff ...
If you know anything about working at camp, you know it’s supposed to be a fun summer gig, maybe something you do once or twice in college, before you...
Welcome in and stay for a minute, because we’re about to let you in on the best kept secret of Greystone’s summer: working on our Junior Staff! Every ...
By this time in the year, doesn’t it feel like we all just need our counselor back, just for a few minutes? 2021 counselor Bailey is here to answer th...
This spring we’re getting the chance to sit down with some of your favorite camp people, and learn a little more about how they got here and why they ...
A few weeks ago we talked about how being a camper prepares you for college, and today we’re jumping a few years ahead to how working on staff prepare...
No matter if you spent a week at Greystone or ten years, we’re all united by the sweet memories we share of our time here. It’s what makes you run up ...
One question we get a lot around here is “what do you do all year?!” It’s a great question (after all, when you’re a summer camp, don’t you just opera...
Winter is cold, long, and camp seems like AGES away. The excitement of Christmas time has passed, school is starting again, and it’s too cold to break...
To get straight to the point….. I miss all of my counselor friends SO stinking much… like so much. Greystone’s 100th summer happened to be my very fir...
If you’ve ever danced at Carnival or loved your Dining Hall table assignment or sang at Morning Assembly, you’ve benefited from our Group Leaders! Thi...
Our teams are finalized and camp is almost here, so it’s time to introduce you to the leadership teams that are going to make camp happen! These group...
Dear Campers, It’s been two months since camp ended, but that doesn’t mean we’ve moved on to the real world entirely. It would take a lot more than tw...
It is so hard to believe that Valentine’s Day has come around, and that it has already been around four months since I’ve seen all your beautiful face...