We see safety and security as a multi-faceted approach that involves both our staff and our campers. We work to create a trusting and tight-knit community that is pure delight!
Our staff go through a rigorous hiring process in order to become a Greystone employee. All staff must:
Prior to the summer, our Directors and staff complete a Sexual Abuse Awareness Training through MinistrySafe, an industry leader in educating staff on abuse risk management and prevention. Once at camp, staff then participate in a week-long Orientation where they hear from a certified mental health counselor and a pediatrician about child development and age-appropriate behaviors for each camper group. A lawyer then educates staff on North Carolina’s mandatory reporting of child abuse policies and explains what are appropriate and inappropriate discussion topics with minors.
Staff also receive training on many other aspects of camp, some of which include:
It is not enough for our staff to be trained; we want for our campers to feel confident, loved, and cared for each summer. On Opening Day, we start each session with a camp-wide meeting to explain the type of community we want to create:
Our goal at camp is simple: to glorify God in all that we do. In order to do this, we encourage girls to live out the HEART of Greystone:
H: Hear something, say something We do not keep secrets. If you hear something, say something - to your counselor, Group Leader, or a Director. Greystone Girls use their voices to help each other. Phillipians 2:4; Romans 12:5
E: Encourage others with your words We are a community that supports each other with our words. We do not want to hurt others or bring them down. We speak positively about others. 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Ephesians 4:29
A: Advocate for yourself and others If you need help, speak up and tell someone. If you see something wrong with a friend, tell someone or encourage that friend to speak up for herself. Camp is full of people that can help. Romans 12:5; Hebrews 12:1
R: Respect privacy and space We respect each other’s privacy when someone is showering, changing, or just needs space. We do not touch, use, or borrow our friend’s things without asking. We show love by respecting each other. Matthew 7:12; Mark 12:31
T: Treat others with kindness We see the good in others and are slow to make judgements. We do not tolerate bullying. We include others so that no one feels left out. Ephesians 4:32; Psalm 133:1
Camp Greystone is a member of the American Camp Association and has achieved accreditation status for many years. During the last accreditation process, Greystone received a perfect 100 score.
Camp Greystone is a gated community with access to our facility strictly limited and monitored. Once the campers arrive we embrace the “bubble” of camp life with a Visitor-Free policy; anyone within the gates of camp will be specifically admitted and is under the direction of one of our staff members.
There are many benefits to this arrangement, one of which is enhanced security. The tight knit community which results from this camp environment is what we call the Greystone Bubble!
We want Greystone to be a safe and secure environment, and to reach that goal, we update our systems as needed. Most recently, we hired a top-level security firm from Ohio to perform a multi-day, on-site assessment of Greystone including evaluating our facility, as well as our policies and procedures.
There are many details that go into our comprehensive security plan, including locked gates, security cameras, a security guard who patrols the campus, and much more. Rest assured that we take extraordinary precautions to protect our community. We continually improve this “unseen” aspect of the camp experience and are confident that Greystone will always provide the highest standard of safety and security for our campers.
To see more of our informational videos, please visit our Video page.