Main Camp

For girls who have completed
3rd – 11th Grade

Main Camp is truly the best of the best! This five-week flagship session held in the middle of the summer is loved by all who attend. For the campers of Main Camp, there is only one word that comes close to describing their experience: “unbelievable.”

For more than 50 years, Greystone only operated one eight-week session. The Greystone experience was built on this strong tradition, and it developed into the most unique summer camp experience available anywhere. Catering to campers who are 17 years old is a challenge that sharpened the experience for campers of all ages. With a population that is 99% returning campers (including a large group of high school girls), this is a sophisticated session full of girls who are committed to the whole Greystone experience. They love camp and their love influences all of us, making this a favorite session for everyone.

Main Campers truly get to experience it all. With twelve different activities to take each week, rotating 6 classes every other day, we offer our greatest range of activity options at this session. With advanced-level classes and a longer time to work within each skill area, girls can truly develop significant skill in the five-week time frame. Campers also have the options of a full Western Riding program, River Tubing trips, an additional specialized Club period, and much, much more.

Girls enjoy our very best Evening Programs and finest Greystone traditions at Main Camp. Pulling out all the stops and putting much emphasis into delighting this group, we enjoy surprising the girls with fun events and new activities. Girls also enjoy Sunday concerts with popular musicians, many dress-up events including Corn Roast and theme meals, the most impressive Carnival and 4th of July fireworks show, and an amazing Challenge and Watersports Day competition.

What is Main Camp really like?

Check out a week of fun at Main Camp! You can see all of our videos, including more Main Camp videos, on our Vimeo page.

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See Main Camp dates

Things you will love about Main Camp:

  • Longer five-week session length provides for the best camping experience.
  • Opportunity to develop deep and meaningful friendships.
  • Take twelve classes, with over 70 activities to choose from each summer.
  • Option of advanced-level classes for some of our activity areas.
  • Chance to strengthen and learn new skills in activity areas, earning patches at our Council Fires for passing levels.
  • Experience our very best Evening Programs, Traditions, new events, food, concerts, and more.

Wait List

Main Camp fills up quickly. Most campers start on the Wait List before coming to Greystone. Find out how our Wait List works.

About the Wait List

News From Main Camp
