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All Posts News Photos Slideshows Audio & Videos Quotes DevotionsPost
Each Main Camp, we LOVE getting to host different musicians for our summer concert series! Whether we are out on the Pageant Court or in the Pavilion,...
It should come as no surprise that Cooking is one of our most popular activities every year, and 2023 was no exception! Almost every camper made her w...
Since 2019, we have been anxiously waiting to run a fully normal program post-Covid, and this year we were able to! For the summer of 2023, we made th...
There’s no doubt that working as a Greystone counselor is the most purposeful, fun, and growth-filled way to spend your summer (but don’t just take it...
It can be easy to feel close to God at camp; your days are punctuated by praise songs, prayer, and hearing devotions, all while being surrounded by a ...
It’s been a little over a week since we waved goodbye to our alums after our 2023 Great Day Alumnae Weekend, and we’re still basking in the glow of ho...
How do we plan for a new summer? What a question! It’s exciting and something we love doing (as it means that you’ll be coming back to camp soon!). Pl...
Are you missing the camp community a little extra this fall? Do you want to meet Greystone Girls in your hometown? Does a camp reunion dinner sound li...
We’ve done some fun reminiscing this month on our latest greatest summer ever, and by now it’s safe to say that 2023 was one for the history books! Th...
Summer 2023 was one for the record books, and we enjoyed so many fantastic moments with our campers. Today, we’re looking at some of the stand-out mem...
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again - music is a BIG deal at camp! It sets the tone for every event, plays in the background as we enjoy class...
If you were at Greystone for any length of time this summer, you know that our summer 2023 theme came from John 16:33: “I have told you these things s...
It feels like Christmas morning here in Tuxedo, because it’s finally time to release our 2024 counselor applications! This is your chance to apply ear...
This is always an odd blog to write, for not many people read it. If you are one of the few that do, you are a kindred spirit. You love camp, just lik...
Our banquet day began with a thunderstorm. This was unusual (not the fact that we had a thunderstorm, but this was actually the first time we experien...
The sun is shining brightly, the humidity is low, the temperature is perfect, and we are enjoying another Great Day. Our last full day of classes is g...
August is a month when many families choose to tour camp. They are often completely new to Greystone and want to check it out in person. They always n...
Occasionally a blog is helpful in answering a common question. One of the big ones we get from August parents is why we do not allow older girls at sh...
We started our day with a morning run. Almost everyone in camp showing up for Stumblers (our running club). Stumblers is a club my father started many...
Next week you will be struck by how much your camper has grown. This fact has been a comment parents have made for a hundred years, and we think it is...
Some of you might wonder about Breakfast Club. I feature it in the the Blog but haven’t really explained its purpose. It plays an important part in ou...
RAIN! Liquid Sunshine! We love it when it rains at camp! Campers and counselors alike get very excited when it rains (a fact which might surprise you…...
There is a lot going on at camp and things you can do to make it better. If this is your first year at Greystone you might want to read up on some det...
Anxiety is a big concern in our world and with our children. The simple lessons of camp build confidence and with confidece anxiety fades away. There ...
This is your window into what is happening every day at Greystone. Some of you are naturally interested in these details (someone invented the phrase ...
We can’t wait to FINALLY welcome you to camp on Monday! Many of you have never been to camp before and wonder what it is going to be like… you are sup...
At 7:05 AM, while unloading trunks at the FORT, I ripped my shirt. The vintage trunk, covered with stickers from previous summers and the proud patina...
Closing Vespers was lovely… the Honor Council did an amazing job speaking to the “important things” of camp. Their insights were keen, having been hon...