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All Posts News Photos Slideshows Audio & Videos Quotes DevotionsPost
Our fourth week in this beautiful place with these beautiful girls started in the same way it has every other Monday this summer (reveille, flag raisi...
Our Third Sunday will feature sunny warm weather, relaxed cabin time, pretty dresses, spiritual insights, afternoon naps, and evening concerts. The pe...
The “Dog Days” of summer are upon us. This is, of course, what Google defines as ”a period of particularly hot and humid weather occurring during the...
We announced yesterday that today would be “Do Nothing Day”… a day that could only be this exciting after the kind of week we’ve just had. This middle...
Another beautiful morning… another hot summer day… another great memory from another great evening program… more DMCs are being scheduled… more levels...
The sun rose in a cold blue sky, but the mist on the lake quickly dissipated in the low humidity of this perfect summer day. Temperatures will rise to...
Todays Morning Assembly Devotion introduced this week’s theme on friendships. “Brother Reid” used an illustration of three water activities to conside...
We are entering what is considered to be the “slow” part of camp… the week before our big camp productions… a time when campers feel like there is a l...
Our beautiful 5-Year Celebration started with a Garden Party… that is as iconic a “girls camp” sentence as I can imagine! A boy’s camp would have not...
That was FUN!!! Yesterday’s theme day turned out as good as we hoped, which is to say a day to remember for years to come. A great day at camp will no...
Today is, of course, the day that Taylor Swift released her re-recorded album “Speak Now”… a fact that the Main campers are well aware of. One of the ...
Another beautiful morning, another Great Day… This is the chorus of our Greystone song every summer. Some beautiful mornings are rainy, and some are s...
It’s Challenge Day at Greystone, a big deal at camp! Campers delight in the games, relays, matches, and races (all of which were challenges formally m...
The Fourth of July is always a big deal at camp. We dress up in gaudy garb, play American-themed music, march around, have a carnival, and shoot firew...
It is Monday, July 3rd… a holiday in the real world but just another Great Day in “The Bubble”. I don’t know exactly when the campers started calling ...
Sundays are different in many ways that campers love. We sleep late, enjoy a morning run (an optional Stumblers Club), savor a leisurely buffet breakf...
Everyone was fired up in the Dining Hall this morning. They were so hyped up it was noticed by all. What was the reason? Waffles and bacon, freshly cu...
Camp is a place of routine, surprise, and tradition. Our routines are established from the first day: bells and bugles scheduled with the predictabili...
One of the many lessons we learned from our Covid summers was the positive impact clubs have in Main Camp. We substituted a class period in the aftern...
One of the decisions that we wrestle with as a Head Staff every year is what the theme verse of the upcoming summer will be. Our team presents several...
The blog is my attempt to show you the “awesomeness” of camp, but it will fall short. There are SO MANY facets to this jewel of a camp, each one of wh...
The blog is our way of communicating with you every day of the summer. I make it a priority in my day, posting before noon if possible (typically arou...
It is early Saturday morning, and camp is not quiet… in fact, it is abuzz with the sounds of preparation. The food delivery truck arrived first, unpac...
The headline of today’s Blog is obvious, for it is the thought that dominates every camper and counselor this morning. The heavy cloud cover has lifte...
Rain, Rain, Go Away… we are about ready for a change! The forecast calls for gradual improvement in our weather pattern over the course of the day. It...
There are many cumulative moments happening this week; one of them was the Play “Seussical” last night. This EP has taken the entire session to put to...
Yesterday’s rain did not impact our program very much. Nothing fell until midway through the afternoon classes. At that point, it rained hard for abo...
Some of my favorite childhood memories occurred during long rainstorms. I was a camper at Falling Creek, always attending the Main Camp (seven weeks l...
While we do not celebrate Father’s Day at camp (we reserve that occasion for homelife), we acknowledge the fact that Dads play an important role in fa...
Body image… This subject is still a major problem for many people. It is one of those things that has always been a burden for our campers (even in th...