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All Posts News Photos Slideshows Audio & Videos Quotes DevotionsPost
We know that one of the things you look forward to the most about Greystone is the incredible activities you get to try here. We spend all year workin...
Our Senior Seniors are what make Main Camp so magical! No one dances harder, sings louder, or loves camp more than these 34 girls, and they set the to...
You may or may not know that we pick a theme Bible verse for each summer at Greystone, but it is one of our favorite things we do as a Head Staff team...
It is hard to believe, but today is our final day in our New Camper Blog series. We are that close to camp! The excitement is surely building over her...
This summer was my first and it was amazing!
We’re wrapping up our camp cookie series today with a camper favorite: Cookies ’n Cream cookies! After all, what’s better than a cookie? A cookie with...
We are just days away from the start of the summer, and Opening Day is on our mind! New campers, you are going to LOVE your first day at Greystone. We...
Last week you got to meet our Full-Summer Group Leaders, and today we get to introduce you to our Junior Camp Group Leaders! Every age-group at Greyst...
Welcome back to all of our new camper families. It is another week of our New Camper Blog series, and we are so excited about our topic today: practic...
May is here, and that means it’s officially camp-prep time, for us and for you! Greystone families all across the country are packing their trunks, wr...
This summer I learned how to be more brave and do things I’ve never done before.
Hello new campers! It is hard to believe that in one month, Junior Camp will be underway! Camp is just around the corner for so many of you. We can’t ...
We’ve been introducing you to our full-summer staff, Junior Camp staff, and nurses all spring long, and today we finally get to brag on our 2022 full-...
We say it every year, and every summer it gets more true: music is a BIG deal at camp! From Reveille to Taps, you can almost always hear some kind of ...
We’ve loved sharing the first season of our Greystone podcast with you this spring, and we have one more episode to present before it’s time to make m...
Hello new campers! Welcome back for another week of our New Camper blog series. If you’re just now joining us, make sure to catch up on our past few a...
I love Greystone because they make a lot of effort to make everyone feel included.
New camper families – welcome back! It’s another Tuesday, which means another week of our New Camper Blog series. With the weeks counting down until t...
Our camp cookie series continues today with a camper favorite: Sprinkle Cookies! They’re simple to make and easy to enjoy for Greystone Girls of all a...
Hi! My name is Allison, and I am the proud momma of two Greystone girls from Austin, Texas - Caroline (11) and Elizabeth (9)! From the moment we pick ...
This summer was the happiest I have been in a long time!
Surprise, it’s Campcast day! Don’t close your screen or save this one for later. If you’ve heard the first two episodes of The Green and Gold Campcast...
Hello everyone! I am Sarah, a mother of three girls, two attending Greystone and one anxiously awaiting her turn. I’m taking over the blog this week t...
Every year you come to camp you get a little more savvy, figuring out what you like to pack, which classes you love to take, and the little things you...
March and April at camp bring so much excitement as we start to finalize all the details for our next best summer ever, and that applies to our staff ...
Hello to all of our new campers out there! Tuesday is a day to celebrate as it means another blog in our New Camper Blog series. Last week, we shared ...
I love Greystone because it gives me a family of 500 girls.