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If you stick around Greystone long enough (or listen to a podcast or two!, you might notice that everything has a purpose. When you want to be a camp ...
Hello new camper families! Today feels like Christmas as we have finally reached that time of year where we start our New Camper Blog Series…which als...
You heard that right - it’s one of our favorite days of the year (besides Opening Day!). We can finally start to introduce you to our incredible 2022 ...
We LOVE our dog camp dogs, and last summer was no exception! Our 102nd year was filled with 4 of the fluffiest, BIGGEST, and most mild-mannered Doodle...
I want to stay!
It is hard to believe that we are wrapping up our Fall (turned winter) Book Club. It’s been so much fun reading Ellie Holcomb’s Fighting Words togethe...
We’re back with the latest installment in our camp cookie series, but before we get there (which happens to be a cookie fit for breakfast, lunch, or d...
If you’re anything like us, this time of year can drive you crazy! We’re close enough to camp that you can taste it, but there’s still a ways to go (9...
I never want to forget every single bit of camp because it’s such a wonderful thing. Getting to have fun, laugh, learn. It's something you'll remember forever!
Last month we released the first episode of our brand new Greystone podcast, The Green and Gold Campcast, and it felt like Opening Day and bread puddi...
While the love between friends is the real thing we celebrate this time of year, if you’ve heard our Main Campers request a “proposal story” at any of...
Today we are taking a walk down memory lane, as we look at some of our “oldie but goodie” pictures from the past, and see how camp has changed (or sta...
Any Greystone parent could tell you that we take a LOT of pictures during the summer, and for good reason! So much happens in a day at camp; we’ll nev...
This summer was worth the wait!
Here in Tuxedo, our minds are fully focussed on summer 2022, but if you’re still reminiscing on your favorite memories from last year, you’re in luck!...
We’ve had the most beautiful winter weather at camp, with multiple snow days already. We love it! But, the cold days make us long for summer…and it st...
Any Greystone Girl will tell you that there’s no better mail day than Sparks mail day! There’s something about flipping through the articles, looking ...
Is anyone else loving this cookie series as much as we are? So far we’ve shared the secret recipes to our Chocolate Snap Cookies, Pumpkin Cookies, and...
If you know anything about working at camp, you know it’s supposed to be a fun summer gig, maybe something you do once or twice in college, before you...
I love Greystone because they make everything more fun than anywhere else.
The days are cold, you’ve got the January blues, and camp just seems SO far away - we’re feeling it too! But what if we told you that we have a way fo...
There are SO many small details and traditions that make Greystone unique (becoming “old Greystone girls” after the first meal in the Dining Hall, sun...
Welcome in and stay for a minute, because we’re about to let you in on the best kept secret of Greystone’s summer: working on our Junior Staff! Every ...
One of the most exciting changes to our 2021 camp schedule was adding in Camp Clubs. Today, we are interviewing Ellen-Anne to get the scoop on this fa...
There are a lot of sweet moments that come from running a 100+ year old camp, but nothing beats seeing multiple generations of Greystone girls come th...
I learned this summer that if you just smile at someone it will make their day!
Hello Greystone readers! We hope you are still loving Ellie Holcomb’s book Fighting Words (we sure are!). So many of you have reached out to let us kn...
We offer over 70 (!) different activities for campers to choose from - everything from Waterpark to Archery to Metal Jewelry to High Adventure. In add...