

Make a Ham and Apples Holiday Breakfast Feast

by Sarah

by Sarah


As you’re planning your Christmas breakfast menu, camp is the perfect place to look from some delicious recipe options. We enjoy warm, home-cooked bre...

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The Ultimate Crowd-Sourced Camp Christmas Playlist

by Catherine

by Catherine


At camp we know two things for sure: 1. There is power in a great playlist and 2. our camp community has the best taste in music! So this Christmas we...

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Join Our First-Ever Greystone Ornament Exchange!

by Catherine

by Catherine


‘Tis the season for gifting (and decking the halls!) and it’s been too long since you’ve met a new camp friend, so why don’t we fix that, shall we? In...

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How to Spread Socially Distant Holiday Cheer

by Catherine

by Catherine


The Christmas season is finally here, but if you’re anything like us, you’ve had some moments this year that have been less than cheery. It’s a cliche...

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Advent Reading Plan: Greystone Edition

by Sarah

by Sarah


We LOVE the Christmas season at Greystone, and we are excited to share with you our Advent Christmas reading plan for this year. While the decorating ...

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The Greystone Girl's Gift Guide

by Catherine

by Catherine


Christmas will be here before we know it, which means it’s time to start making a list for all the Greystone Girls in your life! Here at camp, we love...

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Thanksgiving Thoughts with Jimboy

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Tomorrow we will gather for Thanksgiving, a favorite holiday for most of us and one that is worthy in every way. It is appropriate for us to acknowled...

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Podcasts and Audiobooks for your Holiday Road Trip

by Sarah

by Sarah


While this holiday season is surely going to look different, I bet many of you will be hitting the road at some point to do a little traveling. And wh...

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Camp Recipes and Traditions for Your Thanksgiving Table

by Catherine

by Catherine


We just wrapped up our first ever Parent Book Club, and one of the highlights? Getting specific about how you can bring the joy and lessons of camp ho...

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The Greystone Store Is Open for Holiday Shopping!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Believe it or not, the holidays are almost upon us which means it’s time to start making that gift list (and checking it twice!). The Greystone Store ...

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Behind the Scenes: Closing Vespers

by Sarah

by Sarah


This year, we’ve been giving you a peek into some of the “Behind the Scenes” happenings at camp. From hiring our staff to adding a new class to planni...

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Dog Jokes from Jimboy for the Animal Lover in Your Life

by Catherine

by Catherine


If there’s two things Jimboy loves, it’s dogs and corny jokes, and at camp he gets to show off both! We start every day off with Breakfast Club, where...

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What We're Into: Fall Faves

by Sarah

by Sarah


We are entering a glorious season up at camp (Fall!!!), so what better time for our Head Staff crew to share some of our current favorites? Enjoy!

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What I Gained by Working at Camp

by Catherine

by Catherine


A few weeks ago we talked about how being a camper prepares you for college, and today we’re jumping a few years ahead to how working on staff prepare...

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Meet the Winners of Our Photo and Video Contest

by Catherine

by Catherine


Way back in July (remember July?), we launched our big 2020 Camp Photo and Video Contest, and it is finally time to announce our winners! We sorted th...

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Camp Recipe: Shepherd's Pie

by Catherine

by Catherine


Shepherd’s Pie has been a camp classic for decades. It’s warm and comforting, and if you thought you liked it in the heat of summer, just wait until y...

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What's Going on in this Picture? 1920s and 30s Edition

by Catherine

by Catherine


When you have 100 years of history (and 100 years of pictures to go with it!), there’s no shortage of fun memories and stories from the years gone by....

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Cooking with Solveig: Lasagna Elegante

by Solveig

by Solveig


This rich and savory lasagna is a step up from Stouffer’s (though we love that one too!), and is worth every step! Don’t be intimidated by the layerin...

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Read Our Digital Alumnae Sparks

by Catherine

by Catherine


Staying in touch with our alumnae is important to us, and every year we look forward to putting together a fresh and fun Alumnae Sparks. No matter if ...

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Camp to College: How Greystone Prepared Me

by Catherine

by Catherine


Last week we talked about how summer camp is needed more than ever in these crazy times, but any alumna could tell you that camp has always been about...

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Introducing National Dress Like Jimboy Day

by Catherine

by Catherine


We think 2020 needs all the celebrations you can squeeze into it, so who’s ready for National Dress Like Jimboy Day - the holiday you never knew you n...

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Why We Need Summer Camp More Than Ever

by Sarah

by Sarah


If there was ever a time that girls need camp, it is now. It doesn’t take much of an Internet search to find the many detrimental effects this pandemi...

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Fall Digital Downloads!

by Ellen-Anne

by Ellen-Anne


Feeling a little camp-sick this fall and need a lockscreen update? Click one of the links down below to get a dose of camp on your phone. We are missi...

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Camp Recipe: Opening Day Brownies

by Catherine

by Catherine


Nothing tastes better on a long Opening Day than our crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside Opening Day brownies, and today we’re giving you the r...

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Behind the Scenes: Making Carnival Happen

by Sarah

by Sarah


This year, we’ve been pulling back the curtain to show you some of the “Behind the Scenes” processes of how camp really works. We’ve told you about ho...

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Introducing Our Brand New Activity Areas for 2021

by Catherine

by Catherine


We’ve been hinting about a fun announcement for weeks, and the day is finally here! You know that we spend all year long dreaming up new activities an...

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What Does It Mean that We're a Christ-Centered Camp?

by Catherine

by Catherine


Around here we say that we are a “Christ-centered” camp, but what does that really mean? Why is it a good thing? How does it affect your day to day ex...

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One Year Later: Our 100th Anniversary Alumnae Reunion

by Catherine

by Catherine


It’s hard to believe that it’s been a whole year (and what a year it’s been!) since our Alumnae Reunion, because the memories are still so fresh. We c...

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My Greystone Story: One Summer On Staff

by Catherine

by Catherine


No matter if you spent a week at Greystone or ten years, we’re all united by the sweet memories we share of our time here. It’s what makes you run up ...

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Our Dream Camp Classes

by Ellen-Anne

by Ellen-Anne


Ever wonder what is going on in the head of a camp director when dreaming and scheming about future fun at camp? It’s typical, for most of us, to have...

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