

2022 Contest: Plan Your Dream EP!

by Sarah

by Sarah


Girls, are you ready? It is time for our 2022 Greystone Contest announcement! Over the years, we have done some pretty amazing contests. We especially...

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What Do You Do All Year? Jimboy Edition.

by Catherine

by Catherine


We bet every camp director has heard this question a time or two, and it makes sense! When someone hears you have a summer-focussed job, the obvious n...

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Meet Our 2021 Sunday Concert Musicians!

by Sarah

by Sarah


One of the very BEST parts about coming to Main Camp is getting to experience our Sunday night concerts. It is a highlight of the 5-week session! Ther...

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Parent Hacks: Table Topic Fun

by Sarah

by Sarah


Greystone parents, today the blog is for you! Every year, we have parents ask how they can take the fun of camp home with them during the year. This y...

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Parent Blog: Greystone's Impact on My Girls

by Anne

by Anne


It is difficult to describe the significance of Greystone to people who have not experienced it – either first hand as a camper, or through the eyes o...

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Looking for Recipes? Bookmark Our Cooking Page!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Whether it’s whipping up a new dish in Cooking class or enjoying an old favorite around the table in the Dining Hall, food is a huge part of camp! Not...

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The Greystone 2022 Staff Application is LIVE (and a new video!)

by Catherine

by Catherine


We just couldn’t wait any longer: the 2022 Staff Application is LIVE and open for YOU to apply for the best job ever! Camp could not run without our t...

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What Does Our Head Staff Do Right After Camp?

by Catherine

by Catherine


Summer 2021 came to a close a few weeks ago, and we’re still basking in the glory of what God did over the last few months… and just how fun it was! B...

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The Honor Code: At School

by Sarah

by Sarah


It is finally September, and while it may not feel like the fall season quite yet, we know it is coming, and we are greatly looking forward to it at c...

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Four Unexpected Joys of Summer 2021

by Catherine

by Catherine


It’s no secret that summer 2021 had to look a little different. In order to open our gates, we had to make adjustments to the way we gathered and went...

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The Playlists You Loved from This Summer

by Catherine

by Catherine


We’ve said it before and it still rings true - music is a big deal at camp! It serves as the backdrop for sweet camp memories all summer long, and is ...

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A Plane Letter to Our 2021 Parents

by Catherine

by Catherine


Dear 2021 Parents, Can you believe we did it? And yes, we say WE very intentionally. You have always been a big part of our summers, but this year it ...

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Which Session Is Right for You in 2022?

by Catherine

by Catherine


We’re smack in the middle of our Early Bird enrollment period for 2021 campers, and we have already seen SO many of you save your spot for next year! ...

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Summer 2021 Videos: Week By Week

by Catherine

by Catherine


We try to capture the magic of camp all summer long through photos and blog posts, but there’s so many moments you just have to see to believe. And th...

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Early Bird Enrollments Are Open!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Here in Tuxedo we’re still feeling the glow of the incredible summer that just passed, but it’s time to turn our attention to next year, because Early...

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by Jimboy

by Jimboy


It is hard to know who will even read this blog. August camp parents and campers are not likely to spend the time… school starts soon and there is a l...

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by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Today is the last day of camp and everyone is giddy with excitement. We have one more day to spend with our friends in the best place on earth and we ...

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Whimsically Wonderful

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Yesterday afternoon we celebrated a wedding on the Pagent Court… Jerry Broomski and Susan The Great Broom (who looked a lot like brooms dressed to the...

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Surprise and Delight

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


August Camp is a session that filled with surprise and delight… and not just for the campers. Every year the staff enters this session with a very hig...

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Why Do We Have Age Limits At Camp

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Occasionally it is helpful to take a deep dive into a question we get a lot, and today I wanted to talk about our session age limits. Parents frequent...

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Our Last Sunday

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Our last Sunday of the summer began with a thick fog that made it impossible to see more than 20 feet in any direction. We were in the middle of a clo...

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by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Camp is in full bloom… flowers grab our eye at every turn and make every moment more beautiful. We have picked a bunch of flowers and put them on the ...

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Too Long Didn't Read

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


If I open an email, Blog, or news article and see that it is long I typically don’t read the words that follow but jump into speed reading mode or clo...

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You're Doing A Great Job

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


First of all, thank you for being such great camp parents. We do not take you for granted, especially those of you who are new to Greystone. There are...

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A Great Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Let’s start with the weather… I mentioned the heavy rain that hit camp early Tuesday morning and according to the forecast should have have remained f...

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Rain At Camp

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Last night we were treated to a nice heavy rain. If you have ever slept in a rustic cabin with an old tin roof, you know exactly what that sounded lik...

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Welcome To Camp!

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Thank you for making today possible. YOUR support and encouragement throughout this crazy year has been remarkable and deeply appreciated by all of us...

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Sweet Dreams

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Your trunk or duffle is packed… Your test results and health log is printed and filled out… You are about ready for camp… It’s FINALLY time! You are g...

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Take A Break

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Today is the Friday between Main and August Camp. Break Time! We are recharging our emotional batteries so that we might give the girls our best effor...

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Main Campers

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Some of the people reading the blog today are our Main Campers. You are perhaps on the road with your parents and things have settled down during a lo...

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