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All Posts News Photos Slideshows Audio & Videos Quotes DevotionsPost
I guess if I’d admit it, I mark my year to year by Christmas rather than the New Year. After the Christmas season with all the family and friends, New...
I learned this summer that even if everyone in your cabin is different, it’s like a puzzle - it fits.
As someone with several summers at camp under my belt, I’ve spent lots of time thinking about how to take camp home with me. How do I keep growing in ...
We are a mere week away from Christmas, and the excitement is just bubbling here at camp. We love celebrating the holiday (and are hoping for some sno...
Ingredients: 1 1⁄2 c all-purpose flour 3⁄4 c unsweetened cocoa powder 1⁄2 t cinnamon 1⁄4 t salt 1⁄8 t freshly ground black pepper 1⁄8-1⁄4 t cayenne p...
I love Greystone because it's where girls get to be girls.
During the holiday season, there is nothing I love more than the slower pace and more relaxed days. If I’m not playing a game with our family or putti...
Tis the season for gifting of all kinds, something we love around here! While the true gift of the season is God coming down to earth, we love mirrori...
Christmastime is here, and so are our 2019 Photobooks! You might have seen our collection of yearly photobooks in the Hostess Cabin. In our photobooks...
I never want to forget how happy I was all the time - especially at meals!
Waking up the morning after Thanksgiving, I felt ready to jump into Christmas! I’m ready for Christmas parties and fun food! I’ve also preemptively ha...
We always say that being on staff at camp is one of the hardest, best jobs you’ll ever have. It’s beautiful and hard and sanctifying and silly. You la...
I love Greystone because there are no boys allowed!
There are many, many people who make camp great - and our campers are foremost among them! Campers, we love y’all so much - here are just a few of the...
Carrot Cake Bites Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, peeled and chopped Shy 1/2 cup nut butter (we use WOW butter at camp) 1/2 cup pure maple syrup 2 cups...
Each session, as we count down to banquet, we like to ask our genius campers all about their summer experience! What they loved, what they think would...
This summer I learned that I am brave and I can do things I am scared to do.
Only a week to go until Thanksgiving, and we are still basking in such a feeling of THANKFULNESS over here at camp as we look back at last summer and ...
Dear Joe, I was so surprised to get your letter last week… the stamp was AMAZING (was that solid gold??? Looked like it). The impact of getting such a...
This summer was terrific! Fun and spectacular. But I wish camp was longer - I don’t want to go home.
For so many Greystone girls, Christmastime is cabin reunion season! Whether you’re going down the street or across the country, time with camp friends...
“So you’re a counselor now, right?” This was my favorite question to be asked this summer. After I told someone that I was going to a girl’s camp for ...
If this is your very first summer at Greystone, welcome! We are so excited for you to join us this summer…you are going to love it!! We have many new ...
I never want to forget that I became more connected to Jesus and God than I had ever been before I came to Greystone.
We are so excited about our Summer 2020 Contest for this year. We’ve done some pretty amazing contests over the years (who remembers when you could De...