Current Time at Camp



JimDaddy Goal Setting with the Head Staff

by Sarah

by Sarah


When JimDaddy started Breakfast Club in the late 1970s, goal setting was a big part of the message that he shared with campers. To really live to your...

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Zumba Playlist!

by Ellen-Anne

by Ellen-Anne


We LOVE Zumba at camp! Dancing is a big part of Greystone culture, and when it comes to Zumba, we don’t mess around! Not only will it get your heart g...

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When Back-to-School Doesn't Feel Like it Should

by Sarah

by Sarah


The school season is kicking off for the year, and let me guess – it’s not looking the way you thought it would. Whether you are virtually learning fr...

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We Need You! Tell us Your Camp Story or Nominate a Greystone Girl

by Catherine

by Catherine


No matter if you spent time at Greystone as a camper, staff member, or even a camp parent, your life has been touched by its spirit in some way. That ...

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Highlights from The Camp Connection

by Catherine

by Catherine


As soon as we made the impossible decision to cancel all sessions for summer 2020, we started brainstorming how to give you a taste of the camp experi...

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August Camp Closing Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


WHAT??? The summer is ALREADY over???? I can not believe it, amd you probably can’t either. It went by so fast, but I have to admit that it was very h...

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Back to School Advice from Your Camp Mom

by Laura

by Laura


Well, we blinked and it’s now almost the end of August Camp, which means that back-to-school season is coming soon. No matter if you’re heading back i...

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Camp Recipe: Bread Pudding

by Catherine

by Catherine


Nothing gets quite as big of a cheer when it comes out of Window 1 than bread pudding, and today we’re sharing our secret, signature recipe with you! ...

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Family Olympics Fun

by Sarah

by Sarah


It’s Family Olympics day as part of the August Camp Connection, and we can’t wait for you to join in on the fun! This is a great way to get a little t...

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5 Reasons We Miss August Camp

by Catherine

by Catherine


While there’s something special about each of our four sessions, it’s no secret that we look forward to August Camp all summer long. We’ve been known ...

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August Camp Opening Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Welcome to “camp” everyone! While we are SO SORRY we are not actually welcoming you to camp today, we are still VERY excited to have you join the Cam...

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Main Camp Closing Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Every day, without fail, Margaret and I spend a few minutes talking about what WOULD have been happening if we had opened camp as normal this summer. ...

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What a Greystone Banquet is Made Of

by Sarah

by Sarah


Banquet: a highlight of the Greystone experience. The culmination of the summer. The celebration of a session lived well. The sadness of leaving your ...

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Camp Recipe: Derby Day Sandwiches

by Catherine

by Catherine


Derby Day at Main Camp allows us to celebrate all things fancy and southern, and of course, the food is a big part of that! Today we’re giving you the...

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Camp Recipe: Veggie Lasagna

by Catherine

by Catherine


Want someone to walk you through this Sunday lunch favorite? Group Leader Anne Hayden is hosting her own cooking show on our Instagram stories today -...

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Sleep Late Friday With Us!

by Sarah

by Sarah


Tomorrow we are celebrating one of camp’s BEST traditions: Sleep Late Friday. So of course, we had to tell you about it today! Our guess is that many ...

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How to Nurture Your Faith at Home

by Catherine

by Catherine


Feeling close to God at camp is as easy and natural as breathing; after all, our days are structured around prayer and worship and godly relationships...

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Planning the Perfect "Do Nothing Day" at Home

by Catherine

by Catherine


Some camp traditions like Vespers have been around since 1920, while others (Wildlife Wednesday?) are more recent. Of all of the new traditions, Do No...

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Camp Recipe: Granola and Sweet Georgia Muffins

by Catherine

by Catherine


In the mood for a cooking show today? Group Leader Eva is walking us through these camp-favorite breakfast carbs on our Instagram stories today! Camp ...

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Corn Roast at Home

by Sarah

by Sarah


Every summer, our campers anticipate Corn Roast for many reasons. First, it sits in the dead middle of camp, marking the “half-way” point of the 5-wee...

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Introducing Our 2020 Camp Photo and Video Contest!

by Catherine

by Catherine


We take LOTS of photos and videos during the summer ourselves, but there is always something a little more special about the moments our campers and s...

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