Current Time at Camp



Preparing Yourself to Send Your Daughter to Camp

by Sarah

by Sarah


As we are gearing up for summer 2021, we know many of our campers (and parents!) are excited for the summer. Whether this is your first year at Greyst...

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Get to Know Her: Sara Oliver

by Catherine

by Catherine


This spring we’re getting the chance to sit down with some of your favorite camp people, and learn a little more about how they got here and why they ...

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Preparing for Camp Right Now - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new camper families! Welcome back as we delve into another topic specifically geared to our new families. If you’re just joining us, make sure t...

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Introducing Tubing at Main Camp!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Hey Main Campers, have you heard about our brand new experience just for you this summer? You asked for it on your surveys in 2019, and we listened. T...

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Meet the New Camp Babies!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Our camp community is truly a family, and one of our favorite things in the world is sharing big life moments with all of you. And boy, do we get to d...

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Packing: This or That - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello Greystone parents! Another Tuesday means another week in our new camper blog series (check out some of our recent posts from this year, if you h...

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Behind the Scenes: Penpals

by Catherine

by Catherine


Our Behind the Scenes series continues today with one of our favorite spring-time traditions: Penpals! There’s nothing quite like snail mail at camp, ...

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Your Pre-Camp Checklist - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new camper families! Welcome to our second week in our New Camper Blog series as we count down the days until summer 2021! If you didn’t catch o...

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The BEST Summer to be a New Camper - New Camper Blog Series

by Sarah

by Sarah


Hello new camper families! It’s my favorite time of year again…time for our New Camper Blog series! Every spring, we count down the weeks until camp b...

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All About Our New Honor Code

by Sarah

by Sarah


Have you heard the news? Greystone is adopting a brand new Honor Code this summer, and we are excited to tell you all about it! If you’re a long-time ...

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Staff Profiles Are Live!

by Catherine

by Catherine


Doesn’t that title just need to come with a drumroll?! You heard it right - our staff profiles are live, so it’s time to hop on over and meet the smar...

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Join a City Facebook Group - New Groups Added!

by Catherine

by Catherine


One of the questions we get the most in the off-season is “how do I find other camp families in my area?” We LOVE hearing this, and we get it! There’s...

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Where Did Your Favorite Camp Song Come From?

by Laura

by Laura


Do you ever wonder where we got all of our camp songs? From our campers and counselors, of course! Back in the years when Main Camp was 8 and then 7 w...

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Behind the Scenes: Designing Camp T-shirts (plus a survey!)

by Catherine

by Catherine


It’s time for another Behind the Scenes look at how the magic of camp gets made, and today’s topic is one we bet you’re invested in - camp t-shirts! O...

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Camp Recipe: Oreo Cream Pie

by Catherine

by Catherine


Oreo Cream Pie has become a camper favorite and a modern classic of the Greystone Kitchen. It even has its own chant! You can hear tables cheering for...

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Epic EP Fails

by Sarah

by Sarah


If you’ve ever been to camp before, I bet you have some very memorable stories about a specific Greystone Evening Program. From that time your cabin s...

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Get to Know Him: David Vining

by Catherine

by Catherine


Last month we introduced you to Peggy, and today we get to spend a little time with another camp favorite: David Vining! David’s presence at camp is l...

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What's It Like Coming to Camp with a Sister?

by Catherine

by Catherine


The only thing better than being at camp? Getting to share it with someone you love! And who better to experience Greystone with than a a sister - or ...

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