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All Posts News Photos Slideshows Audio & Videos Quotes DevotionsPost
We love to dance at camp. Chances are, the girls dance more here than anywhere else… it is just what we do. We dance at Assembly, in classes, in cabin...
Our Third Sunday is going to feature sunny warm weather, relaxed cabin time, pretty dresses, spiritual insights, afternoon naps, and evening concerts....
If you stumbled upon the proverbial genie in a bottle and were given one wish, what would it be? Fame? Riches? For many teenagers (perhaps most women)...
I was struck by our perfect circumstances as I walked down the hill to the office this morning. Basking in the warmth of another amazing morning in t...
Corn Roast presented us with a perplexing situation. The forecast was for rain, a 100% chance of thunderstorms beginning at 11:00 and ending after 6:0...
I do a lot of reminiscing at camp. Can’t help it because what we do this session reflects what we did in previous years. Take today’s Corn Roast, for ...
I love doing nothing. I don’t let people know it because doing nothing makes me feel guilty. My parents raised me to be the hardest working, most prod...
Greystone is a place that highly values the concept of quality time. It figures prominently throughout the day as we go about our daily schedule. We d...
It was a late-night… we are all a bit bleary-eyed this morning due to the wonderful 5-Year Celebration last night. The forecast led us to set up the p...
Fourteen. That is the average age of our Main Campers. This average age has increased from the “old days” (when we had a much smaller senior group). T...
When I was a child the movies were a big deal. The year was 1977, an awkward 14 years old boy stood in line for two hours along with hundreds of other...
Today is a nice “chill” day… overcast, warm temperatures, steady breeze, and the promise of afternoon thunderstorms. The kind of day that reminds me o...
It’s Challenge Day at Greystone, a big deal (in case you didn’t already know)! Campers delight in the games, relays, matches, and races (all of which ...
It has been forty-five years since my freshman year at Hendersonville High School, but memories of Homecoming Week still make me happy. The entire stu...
Today we celebrate Independence Day so Breakfast Club focused on George Washington, a role model for all but especially young people. As you might kno...
Sundays are different by design. Even though many (most?) of our country is now considered “post-Christian”, every one of us seems to enjoy making Sun...
We awakened to sunny skies, the aroma of sausage wafting from the kitchen, birds singing outside our screen windows, and that warm feeling that is bes...
I love routines and traditions. My parents taught me the value of daily routines by example. Every day my father would get up early, making coffee and...
Last summer was a summer to learn new things (for both camper and director alike!). We ran camp under strict Covid guidelines that resulted in changes...
Our theme this year is HOPE, the theme verse being Isaiah 40:31: “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like e...
It is hard to describe camp to one who is not here. When trying to do so, the words come gushing out… basic facts combined with various anecdotes punc...
Welcome to Main Camp! The blog is our way of communicating with you every day of the summer. I make it a priority in my day, posting before noon if po...
It is early Saturday morning. The campus has been almost silent since the June campers left yesterday and the counselors took some time off. This has ...
On this day we are thankful for so many things. That Camp Worked Covid is an everpresent unknown, particularly for a camp. Here we are living closely...
Tonight we will celebrate the end of camp with a Banquet, an event keenly anticipated by the campers, often ranking as their favorite event of the ent...
This is the time of “plane letters”, a wonderful camp tradition that began years ago when literally hundreds of campers would fly home. These flights ...
One of my favorite movies is “The Greatest Showman” with Hugh Jackman. That opening scene gets me every time for it resonates with my experience of sh...
Occasionally a blog is helpful to answer a common question. One of the big ones is why we do not allow older girls at shorter sessions. Obviously, thi...
On Father’s Day, it is appropriate to give a shoutout to all of our camp Dads. While we do not celebrate Father’s Day at camp (we reserve that occasio...
Saturdays… Gotta Love ’em. They make our hearts soar like the eagle for they mark the high water point of the weekend. When Saturday arrives, you do w...