The 2023 Returning Staff Application Is Live!

The title says it all: returning staff, we want you back so badly, we just couldn’t wait!

Our first-year staff application will open in two weeks (on Monday, October 3rd), but returning staff, your application is live now! There’s no better time to save your spot to join us for our next Best Summer Ever.

Every year that you come back and work on staff just gets better (if you can believe it!). Your friendships will deepen, you’ll continue to grow, and that returner confidence will allow you to jump in quickly and enjoy every second.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your camp friends and turn those applications in. And if you’re a first-year staffer, just know that your time is coming soon! Check back in on October 3rd to apply for the hardest, best job you’ll ever have. Want us to email you a reminder when it’s time to apply? Fill out our first-year staff interest form to be notified when the application is released!

This is only the beginning, and we cannot wait to meet the team the Lord will bring together for our 104th summer!