Meet Our Junior Camp Group Leaders

Last week you got to meet our Full-Summer Group Leaders, and today we get to introduce you to our Junior Camp Group Leaders!

Every age-group at Greystone has a Group Leader who will be checking in on the campers and counselors in those cabins daily. Campers, you are going to LOVE your Group Leader, and parents, she will be the best person to reach out to if you have questions during the session! Our Group Leaders do so much around camp, but their most important job is taking care of you, our families, so never hesitate to reach out to them.

You will find out who your Group Leader is and get her contact information on Opening Day, but for now, read on to hear more about this incredible group and what advice they have for your summer!

Emma Golik

Emma was a camper for 10 years, and after working on Summer Staff in 2021, she’s joining us at Junior Camp for the first time this year!

Three words to describe yourself: Loving, kind-hearted, caring

I wanted to be a Group Leader because… My Group Leaders made such an impact on me when I was a camper, and I want to be there to not only love on the Junior campers but their counselors as well!

My favorite camp memory is… Having a post-Evening Program dance party with my campers last summer after the Lip Sync! We were dressed up in swimsuits and crazy wigs and had the absolute BEST time.

If you want to find me this summer, I’ll be the one… Giving out tons of hugs and wearing a fanny-pack–I can’t live without mine!

My best pre-camp tip or advice for campers is: Say hi to everyone you see walking around camp! It is so easy at camp to make new friends by waving and saying hello to everyone you meet!

I want you to know this about the summer ahead: This is going to be the BEST summer ever and you are going to leave camp with amazing friendships that last a lifetime.

Kimmi Rae Carmichael

Kimmi Rae was a camper for 8 years and has racked up 9 years on Greystone’s staff. She’s also a Camp Mom as her daughter currently attends Main Camp.

Three words to describe yourself: Caring, hard-working, fun-loving

I wanted to be a Group Leader because… I love giving back and sharing all that Greystone and her people taught me with a new generation of Greystone girls! Camp is an amazing place!

My favorite camp memory: There are way too many to count – I love the sound of rain on the cabin roofs, eating my favorite meals at camp (ham & apples, chocolate stacks, Greystone bread…), and the beauty of the sun setting over the mountains!

If you want to find me this summer, I’ll be the one… That goes by Kimmi Rae! A nickname that was given to me as a camper by my tennis counselors and has stayed all these years!

My best pre-camp tip or advice for campers: Soak in every minute you are at camp! Jr. Camp is such a fun week that FLIES by–so much to do, so many laughs to be had, so many new and fun things to try! Be open to trying new things and know we’re here to support you and help you succeed!

I want you to know this about the summer ahead: You are going to have the best week of your life! We are SOOOOO ready for you to get here and have been praying for you! I can’t wait to see the smiles on the campers faces! It makes my heart so happy!

Laura McCain

Laura is coming all the way from horse country (Kentucky!) to love on the Junior campers for her third summer.

Three words to describe yourself: Loyal, committed and competitive!

I wanted to be a Group Leader because… I love working and serving and can do this on a little larger scale!

My favorite camp memory: Breakfast Club! Love hearing straight from Jimboy’s heart!

If you want to find me this summer, I’ll be the one… Asking questions! I love to learn how and better ways to do things!

My best pre-camp tip or advice for campers: Everyone is in the same boat! Making friends will happen quickly!

I want you to know this about the summer ahead: It is going to be better than you can imagine! This place leaves you dreaming!

Katherine Meredith

Katherine was a camper for five years, and after serving on Summer Staff on for four years, she’s joining our Junior team for the first time!

Three words to describe yourself: Encouraging, Optimistic, Promoter

I wanted to be a Group Leader because… It’s been 9 years since the last time I was on summer staff! I’m so thrilled to be back in the Greystone bubble, and serving alongside all of the stellar leaders, counselors, and campers once again!

My favorite camp memory: Serving on the Tennis Staff with The Great David Vining!

If you want to find me this summer, I’ll be the one… Running around camp with a Lilly Pulitzer clipboard in hand.

My best pre-camp tip or advice for campers: Be open to the possibilities, eager to meet new people, and learn new things!

I want you to know this about the summer ahead: It’s going to be spectacular! For all of you new campers, you are in for a treat! God is going to move in remarkable ways, and you will most definitely fall in love with this miracle in the mountains!

Day Harmening

Day was a camper for 7 years, and this will be her 6th year on staff. She’s coming straight to Junior Camp after her law school graduation!

Three words to describe yourself: Passionate, loyal, and joyful!!

I wanted to be a Group Leader because… I had great GLs who invested in me! It made me want to pour into others and get to support a whole GROUP of Junior campers instead of just one cabin!

My favorite camp memory: Getting to work Greystone’s 100th summer OR taking bible classes with Libby, Jimboy’s mom. Working the 100th summer made me feel connected with generations of Greystone girls, and Libby’s class helped me really see how special God’s word is and how much He loves me ❤️

If you want to find me this summer, I’ll be the one… With the green backpack, quarter zip tied around my waist, and the zinc sunscreen ready to go 🕺

My best pre-camp tip or advice for campers is: 1) Make new friends, even if you came with friends from home! Camp is the coolest place to meet people from somewhere different than you! 2) Try EVERYTHING in the dining hall! Camp is where I tried salmon for the first time and I LOVE it now!

I want you to know this about the summer ahead: We have been praying for you! We are ready for the best summer ever and all you need to bring is YOU!