Staff Blog: A Tuck-In From Your Counselor

By this time in the year, doesn’t it feel like we all just need our counselor back, just for a few minutes? 2021 counselor Bailey is here to answer the call, and give you one last tuck-in. So read on, and know that you are so loved, Greystone Girls!

Oh how the time has flown! It feels like just yesterday we were rolling down the Pageant Court, listening to Jimboy’s 26 minute long breakfast club jokes, and doing Zumba in the rain. I would seriously give up all my Candy Shoppe just to be able to give y’all a tuck in one last time!

We are all missing the bubble right now, and especially the people who make it so special. This season of life can be very hectic and busy that it becomes so easy to forget all the things you learned and wanted to hold onto right after camp.

The camp high has probably faded and it’s difficult not to just go through the motions of school, sports, and homework. I am feeling that way too and I totally get it!!!

But, I want to remind y’all how special, incredible, and loved you are not only by all your counselors (who miss you TONS), but more importantly by your amazing and gracious God!

I told my Main campers this every night and pray this over them every morning still, but always remember you. are. enough. With makeup on or without makeup on. When your strongest in your faith or when you feel more distant from the Lord than ever. When you have 5,000 Instagram followers or when no one will Snapchat you back. You are enough!!!!

Being a counselor this past summer, I got to watch each and every one of you push yourselves in classes you had never tried before, enjoy all the classic EPs a little differently than you were used to (how about those short lines in Carnival tho!), and constantly work to grow your relationships with your friends and with the Lord. I hope in all the moments and more, you felt loved, supported, and encouraged by your counselors because we couldn’t be more proud to have watched y’all! Seriously, I talk about how AWESOME y’all are every day!

Camp is somewhere that makes us feel so perfect and valued just as we are, but that feeling does not have to stay at camp. Believe that you are enough everyday.

Call your camp friends. Call your counselor!! Subscribe to get a Greystone devotion every day. Maybe even read some old plane letters or watch highlight videos on the website.

Take that feeling of love and acceptance you experience at camp, and carry it with you every day. Hold your head high because you are a child of the King! And you’re a Greystone girl too and angel in disguise:)

Your counselors love you SO much. We miss you. And we are always praying for you! See you soon!