My Greystone Story: One Summer On Staff

No matter if you spent a week at Greystone or ten years, we’re all united by the sweet memories we share of our time here. It’s what makes you run up to someone in a camp sweatshirt in the store, and chat for hours with an old friend as if no time passed at all. We know those stories are out there, and we want to share them, so this fall we’re launching our Camp Stories blog series.

First up we have a treat: Kit Hazlehurst Rossi is here to share a little bit about her one summer on staff in the ‘90s, and how God has used that short time in her life. Whether you were ever on staff or just came through as a camper, we think you’re going to relate to her memories. Take it away, Kit!

How did you hear about Greystone and decide to work on staff?

I had several friends who I grew up with that attended Greystone so I had known about it forever. I came home from college really wanting to make some changes in my life and felt I needed to get out of my environment to do so. If I remember correctly, Peggy Allcorn connected me initially and it was a very last minute “hire”.

I was only there for June camp (I had to look that one up!). I was the counselor in Upper Tenalow 4. I also was in the gymnastics group. I was a dance education major and I actually learned a lot about teaching basic gymnastics that summer which I have had to use throughout the years while teaching dance.

I have great memories of singing in the dining hall and at Breakfast Club time. I still know all the hand motions to “Come and go with me to my Father’s House” and there’s another song that for the life of me I can’t remember right now but sometimes it just jumps into my head and I bust out all the hand motions and my kids think I’m crazy.

I think what had such a big impression on me was how genuine the staff was. I just couldn’t get over how everyone seemed to just want to serve God. I got to see such pure hearts in those short weeks.

I had the privilege of being a counselor for only a few weeks the summer of 1997. Since then, I often refer to my life as “before Greystone” and “after Greystone”. I was at a pivotal crossroads in my life, and it took being at Greystone to open my heart to the things God was doing inside me.

The short time I was there remains sacred to me. God did a radical work in my heart and I have never been the same. God used every person, girl and leader I encountered to awaken me to the love and grace of Jesus. I have no idea if I was a good counselor or not, or if I knew a thing about teaching Gymnastics, but I know that God put me there in His perfect timing to grab my heart and He hasn’t let go since.

I did some courageous things when I got back that summer and learned that I could do really hard things with Jesus. I have been married now for 22 years, have 4 children and own a dance studio/ministry. When my husband and I dream about life after raising kids, I always say, “I want to run a summer camp”. Maybe one day…

What would you tell someone brand new to camp? Or someone who is considering working at Greystone for the summer?

I would tell someone that they will be so loved. And that Greystone is a special place where the Holy Spirit loves to hang out.

If someone was considering working at Greystone, I would say YES YES YES. I wish I would have gone back again and again, but circumstances just never lined up again. I would tell them that it is hard but precious work for the Kingdom!

I think God used ALL of camp to work in my heart! I think the quiet times I had by the lake was where it all happened though. He also used SO many amazing believers who surrounded me and treated me as a sister.

Do you have a camp story to share? Fill out this form and tell us about it! We can’t wait to hear!