Camp Recipes and Traditions for Your Thanksgiving Table

We just wrapped up our first ever Parent Book Club, and one of the highlights? Getting specific about how you can bring the joy and lessons of camp home with you, even when Tuxedo feels far away. The Spirit of Greystone goes with you when you leave, and any day can feel a bit like the bubble if you approach it with care and a little intentionality.

This year has been a hard one, and it’s likely that your Thanksgiving Day may look a little different than normal. So why not take some inspiration from camp and mix things up a bit to make your Greystone Girl smile? Whether you’re looking for a comforting side dish from the Kitchen or a game to play at the table to keep things lively, we’ve got you covered.

Scroll on through to see what you might want to make a part of your family’s Thanksgiving this year, and let us know in the comments: what Thanksgiving traditions are you most excited for this year? Any that you think we should include at Greystone? We’re always looking for new ideas!

Recipes to Try:

Traditions to Incorporate:

  • Play a game at the table. One of the trends sweeping the Dining Hall the last few years? Table games! It doesn’t have to be complicated, but something as simple as 20 questions or would-you-rather gets conversation flowing between all the ages and loosens everyone up!
  • Make time for toasts! At camp we like to mark our Banquet by taking a moment to say thank you to everyone who made that session special, and you can do the same. Why not toast a special relative or the high points of your year? Even just taking a moment to each say what you’re grateful for will bring the same warm feelings.
  • Prepare a place for each person. From the moment you arrive at camp, your nametag says “we are ready for you!” and that continues to your custom cup at Banquet that marks your seat. Putting out place cards tells your guests (or just family!) that they are welcome here and sets the stage for a special meal.
  • Don’t be afraid of a little whimsy! At camp we don’t take ourselves too seriously, and after a lot of heaviness this year, maybe it’s time for some laughter this holiday. Try lining your table in butcher paper and handing out crayons or having an uncle pop confetti when the turkey is cut. Even switching up your normal low-key tunes for some pop songs sets the mood for a party!

No matter what your holiday looks like this year, know that we are grateful for YOU, our Greystone family! May we all look for the good and savor the simple joys of the season. Happy (almost) Thanksgiving from us to you!