Ask a Head Staffer: All Things Food with Alli and Gervais

The Kitchen might just be the center of all things camp, and today we’re taking you behind the scenes with the two people who make it all happen: Gervais and Alli!

We asked for questions on Instagram and you all delivered. Now Gervais and Alli are answering them all. Everything you’ve always wondered about the Kitchen? Read on, Some of their answers may surprise you!

  • How much flour do you use each summer? 13,532 pounds of flour and 200 pounds of gluten free flour.
  • Do you have allergy friendly options? Absolutely! We prepare allergy friendly options based on the allergies that are listed on the campers allergy information. Those campers who have specified allergies can come up to Window 2 while we are serving the meal and ask for the alternative. This is the same window they would go to if they have any ingredient related questions about the meal.
  • How long does it take you to make all of the Oreo Cream Pie? Only 1 hour.
  • How do y’all make so many pizzas? Half of our staff comes in early afternoon and we pump up the Italian music!
  • How many times a day do the kitchen staff wash their hands? We don’t know an exact number but they are encouraged to wash their hands all the time and are required to after many of the things that they do. We go through over 30,000 food service gloves, lots of hand soap, and lots of paper towels.
  • What is your favorite camp meal to cook? Gervias: Pizza / Alli: Smoked Turkey
  • What’s your favorite camp dessert? Gervais: Blonde Brownies / Alli Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • How many eggs do we use in a summer? 29,160
  • How do you make the sprinkle cookies so delicious? Butter, Sugar, Sprinkles, and Love
  • How many chicken fingers do you have to make for lunch? 2,800-ish
  • What is your favorite meal to cook that isn’t made at Greystone? Gervais: Locally caught, Low Country Shrimp, Pan Fried and a Salad with a Thai Peanut Sauce Vinaigrette. Alli: Pan-fried Chicken with a Sun-dried Tomato Cream Sauce
  • Do you make the breakfast food in the morning? Or the night before? There are a couple that we prepare the night before but they are all cooked the morning of.
  • Do you hear us sing the cookie song? Every time, and it makes Gervais embarrassed (in a good way)!
  • How many loaves of bread do you make in a day? 270
  • How do you decide when it’s going to be a theme night? And what theme nights to do? Alli and the Head Staff do that.
  • What is your favorite EP to make food for? Gervais: Carnival / Alli: Breakfast on the Road picnic we did for the first time this past summer
  • What was the craziest dish you’ve ever made? Gervais: We did grilled Shish-kabob one time when we only years ago when we only feed 450 people. It took a lot of time and a few singed eyebrows on the grill. The crew decided it wasn’t worth it! / Alli: I remember 10 years ago when Gervais decided to cure bacon himself. It also was not worth it due to the time it took.
  • What’s the secret to your pizza crust? Other than Love, it’s a secret! But part of that secret is simplicity - our crust only has 4 ingredients including water.
  • What would you tell a new camper about the food at camp? There are so many options at every meal. We know you will love it all. Don’t be surprised if you learn to love more vegetables. Our roasted vegetables are the best!
  • What’s the best part of working in the Kitchen during the summer? We have so much fun while working! You also gain work ethic and skills without realizing it.
  • What do you wish campers knew about what goes on in the kitchen? How much the young people working in the kitchen like what they do.
  • What do your “cooking lives” look like outside of camp? Do you cook all the time or are you sick of it after the summer? Gervais: We both love to cook when we are not at camp and are always trying new recipes that we can serve at camp. / Alli: But that’s after I go on a one-month cooking hiatus at the end of the summer!