Top 10 Reasons Being a Greystone Counselor is the Best Job!

Working as a Greystone counselor is unlike most jobs, in the best way possible! Here are the top 10 reasons I love being a counselor at Greystone.

  1. Watching girls grow. As a Greystone counselor, I am given the privilege of watching girls grow. From Opening Day to Closing Day, girls grow so very much. The campers set goals and see them through. They grow in their classes, as they try new things, work hard to pass levels and master a set of skills. They grow spiritually as they hear God’s truth several times a day and commit scripture to memory. They grow physically fit as they participate in Stumblers on Sundays, and they grow socially in their friendships with girls of all ages. They grow to love others and love themselves as they are reminded day after day of their worth.

  2. The food. It is no secret that Greystone food is incredible. What kind of job includes exquisite, delicious food that never gets old? Greystone food is a treat. Each meal is filling, diverse and tasty. It never gets old!

  3. The message. Every business or place of work has a purpose—a message they want to communicate to the world. Greystone’s message is simply to glorify God. Working at a place that strives to honor God is so fulfilling. It gives such purpose to why I do what I do here at camp. It makes working as a counselor so rewarding.

  4. The excellence. At Greystone, excellence is displayed in all aspects of camp life. The facility is excellent, with beautiful views all around camp. Cabin life is excellent, as we learn to live in community with one another. The classes at Greystone are excellent as well. Excellence is so prevalent at Greystone in a way that reflects God’s love for us and the way he intends life to be with Him. This is one of my favorite parts of working at camp, as I feel the endeavor of excellence glorifies God.

  5. The FUN. Working as a Greystone counselor is hands down the most fun job a person could have. Each day is filled with fun at Greystone in our classes, free time with our friends, and our exciting Evening Programs each night. The joy of the Lord is all around this place, allowing room for laughter and smiles galore. I don’t think there is a job more fun than working at camp!

  6. The traditions. Working at Greystone is an honor. Since camp has been around since 1920, it is filled with so much history and many traditions that mean so much. Being a Greystone counselor has taught me much about the significance of stillness, and I have begun to respect traditions and history in a way that I haven’t before.

  7. The community. Spending several weeks with the same group of people is a unique situation, and a privilege to partake in. While it is true that at any job you see your co-workers daily, Greystone is a unique job in that you not only spend your every day with your co-workers, you live with them and eat with them too! This aspect of camp life is so great. We learn to love others, to work together, to give of ourselves, and to point each other toward the Lord.

  8. The location. Greystone is known as a “miracle in the mountains,” and it truly is. Camp’s location is perfect. Tucked away in the mountains, God’s magnificent creation is evident for all to see. In addition to the mountains, Greystone’s location is wonderful because of its waterfront! Camp’s setting is picturesque, and is much better than staring at a cubicle every day.

  9. Personal Growth. Last summer was my first year working at camp, and by the end of my summer at Greystone, my friends and family could see how much I had grown. Working at such a wonderful place is truly life changing. I have learned, and continue to learn, much about how to pour into others. I have grown in the 4-fold way, as well as growing in my leadership abilities. I am more confident, more responsible, more understanding and more in love with the Lord because of my role as a Greystone counselor.

  10. The overall adventure. Being a counselor at Greystone really is an adventure. Each day holds something new, whether it is a new activity, a new friend or a new memory, each day can be viewed as an adventure. Living life the way it is meant to be with the Lord is a true adventure, and I wouldn’t want to spend my summer days anywhere else. I am honored and thankful to spend my days at Camp Greystone!