Medication Details & FAQ

All daily medications coming to Greystone (prescription or over-the-counter) must be packaged as required in our Medication Policy (will be updated in the spring). This policy applies to ALL medications that a camper will take or use at camp and includes nasal sprays, daily inhalers, eye drops, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, supplements, melatonin, allergy drops, nutritional supplements, etc. We cannot accept ANY medications that are not filled and packaged as required.

Below you will find more details about medications. While most of these details will stay the same for this upcoming summer, we will be updating these medication instructions in the spring.

Quick links for Medication Questions:

Still Have Questions?

After reading our FAQ questions below, if you still have questions regarding your daughter’s medications, please reach out to our Medication Director, , before May 1 with any and all questions related to medications and our policy. We are here to help!

General Questions about Medications

Filling Your Medications with Whitley Drugs

Filling Your Medications with Your Local Pharmacy

Specific Medication Requirements