All daily medications coming to Greystone (prescription or over-the-counter) must be packaged as required in our Medication Policy. This policy applies to ALL medications that a camper will take or use at camp and includes nasal sprays, daily inhalers, eye drops, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, supplements, melatonin, allergy drops, nutritional supplements, etc. We cannot accept ANY medications that are not filled and packaged as required.
Below you will find more details about medications.
After reading our FAQ section below, if you still have questions regarding your daughter’s medications, please reach out to our Medication Director, , before May 1st with any and all questions related to medications and our policy. We are here to help!
The best place to start is by reading our Medication Policy.
The most important thing you can do is start this process early! Go to Whitley Drugs and fill out your child’s 2025 Registration form before May 1st, or find a local pharmacy that will blister pack your daughter’s medications as required.
Our local pharmacy Whitley Drugs will package all of your daughter’s medications in blister packs. If you’d like to use Whitley’s, read details on how to send in your medications in our Medication Policy information or print medication packaging instructions for Whitley Drugs.
We have also compiled a list of pharmacies that will blister pack medications as required. You can also find this information in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account (available in the spring). Make sure you follow details about using your local pharmacy.
Keep in mind that the official pharmacy label must have all required pharmacy information and match the details given on the camper’s signed Physical Form.
We promise we are not trying to make this difficult on our parents!
Please reach out to our Medication Director, , if there are any changes in your daughter’s health information and/or medications after submitting her Forms.
If using Whitley Drugs to fill your daughter’s prescriptions, communicate any changes or updates with them as soon as possible: 828-692-4236.
Our nurses will return any unused medications to your daughter’s luggage prior to your pick up on Closing Day. The only exception would be refrigerated medications, injections, etc. You will need to pick those up from the Health Hut on Closing Day.
We review health histories, medications, and physical forms months ahead of time in order for our Health Staff to fully prepare for our campers’ health needs. This preparation allows us to anticipate how to best staff and stock our Health Hut as well as communicate with parents, pharmacists, nurses, and physicians to provide the best possible care for our campers while they are with us.
If you are using Whitley Drugs to fill your daughter’s prescriptions, they need ample time to gather your information and coordinate with your insurance company and your daughter’s provider to ensure all medications are packaged safely and correctly. Late fees will be applied to the cost of filling and packaging any medications if they have not received the necessary information by May 1st, regardless of the session your daughter is attending. Please complete the registration form on their site even if you anticipate that their may be changes to the medication before camp begins. PLAN AHEAD to avoid extra fees and any unnecessary frustration.
You will be notified by someone on Whitley’s staff if your insurance will not cover a medication through them or if they are not able to get your medication. We suggest you then check with your local pharmacy or other pharmacies in your area to see if they will package according to our requirements.
If you are unable to find a pharmacy that can package your daughter’s medication and/or be covered by your insurance, please contact our Medication Director, , before May 1st to discuss a plan. Because insurance companies change their coverage frequently, please attempt this process in 2025, even if you have been unsuccessful in previous years.
We have compiled a list of pharmacies that should be able to blister pack according to our requirements. This pharmacy list is not exhaustive. If you find others, please share that information with us so we can help other parents in your area.
If you are having trouble finding a pharmacy, please reach out to our Medication Director, .
You can print our detailed instructions for filling your medications with a local pharmacy or find this information in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account (available in the spring).
Here is a sample photo of what the blister packs will look like for your daughter’s medications.
If the DAILY medication is a cream, eyedrop, powder (i.e. Miralax), nasal spray, inhaler, or manufacturer blistered chewable, please have the pharmacist attach the medication to the pharmacy labeled blister pack with the required information as described in our Medication Policy. Our nurses use the blister pack as our system of administering medication even if the medication is not in the actual bubbles.
If the medication is a prescription cream, eyedrop, inhaler, nasal spray or powder and is only to be given as needed, please reach out to our for specific instructions.
Please remember that we cannot accept over-the-counter as needed medications. Our Health Hut is well stocked with many common over-the-counter options, and we are happy to provide these for your daughter should she need them. Read on in our FAQ list for more details about over-the-counter medications.
New for 2025: Please do not send liquid medications to camp. If your daughter’s medication has no chewable option and she cannot swallow a pill, contact our to discuss an alternative. If there is a chewable option for the medication, work with your daughter to take the chewable instead. It is safer for our nurses to administer pills/chewables and also makes the distribution process faster for our campers.
Our local pharmacy, Whitley Drugs, fills ADHD and other controlled medications for campers every summer. As long as your child’s physician can send that prescription to Whitley’s, they will work to fill it.
Whitley’s prefers to fill the prescription for only the amount of time that the camper is at camp. For example, if your child is at camp for 15 days, and the prescription is sent for 30 days, they will fill 15 days worth of the prescription. This is done to minimize any interruption in therapy when you get home.
Regardless of which pharmacy you use, if you have recently filled your child’s medication, your insurance may not pay for the medicine. In this case, Whitley’s or your local pharmacy may need to work with you to see if a vacation override is a possibility with your insurance plan. If you have concerns about this, please contact the pharmacist at Whitley Drugs (828-692-4236).
Please do not send your daughter’s EpiPen or rescue inhaler to camp unless she needs to keep it with her at all times. We have these emergency medications available and strategically placed throughout camp. We also have these available for any off-site trips (i.e., Hiking, Thunderhead Riding, and Rafting). Our staff are made aware of any camper allergies/asthma and are trained to recognize any symptoms of distress.
If your daughter DOES need to carry an emergency medication with her, follow the steps listed on our Epipen and Inhaler graphic to make sure her medication can be accepted at the Medication Station on Opening Day.
You will also need to:
Please reach out to our Medication Director prior to May 1st to discuss these. Keep in mind that you will be required to submit specific Physician Instructions/Orders that include injection schedules in order for the injections to be continued at Camp.
Please reach out to our Medication Director prior to May 1st to discuss these. Keep in mind that you will be required to submit specific Physician Instructions/Orders or a Seizure Action Plan so that our nurses can provide care according to the physician’s orders.
Please list these medications in your daughter’s online forms and reach out to our Medication Director prior to May 1st to discuss their administration.
If your daughter uses a daily inhaler or daily nasal spray, please have these packaged by Whitley Drugs or your local pharmacy as described in our Medication Policy. Our nurses use the blister pack as our system of administering all daily medication even if the medication is not in the actual bubbles.
If you do not anticipate that your daughter will need to use these medications while at camp, please do not send them. If she gets to camp and feels she needs to begin taking them daily, she may see our camp doctor who will prescribe these to be given daily, if needed. In this case, Whitley Drugs will package these medications to comply with our packaging requirements.
Please do NOT send over-the-counter medications to camp unless your daughter needs to take them daily AND you have followed the same instructions in our Medication Policy. These medications would also need to be added to her Health History Form in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account (available in the spring), listed by her physician on the Physical Form, and packaged according to the Medication Policy just like any other medication. DO NOT SEND these with your camper unless all requirements are fulfilled.
While the medication is over-the-counter and you can give it to your child at home without a prescription, at camp, anything that a camper receives must be accompanied by a physican’s order. In addition, per state laws, pharmacists cannot label/fill anything without a prescription from a physician (that would be considered practicing medicine without a license).
Our Heath Hut is well stocked with medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Zyrtec, Tums, decongestants, and Miralax. These can be administered to your daughter any time she needs them at no charge to you. Please let your daughter know that she can come to the Health Hut and ask a nurse for these at any time. If your daughter or our Health Staff feel she should be taking them daily, you will receive a call, and a plan will be made for having these prescribed and packaged for your daughter for daily administration.
Please do not plan on your daughter using these at camp unless absolutely necessary. We cannot administer vitamins, essential oils, supplements, allergy drops, water enhancers, or melatonin unless they are prescribed by your physician and packaged according to our policy. These would also need to be added to her online Health History in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account (available in the spring), listed by her physician on the Physical Form, and packaged according to the Medication Policy just like any other medication. DO NOT SEND these with your camper unless all requirements are fulfilled.
While these are over-the-counter medications, and you can give it to your child at home without a prescription, at camp, anything that a camper receives must be accompanied by an order. In addition, per state pharmacy laws, a pharmacist cannot label/fill anything without a prescription from a physician.
We cannot give melatonin to campers on an as needed basis. Remember that campers stay very active at camp, and most of them are very tired at night!
If you feel it is necessary for your daughter to have melatonin while she is here, you will need to follow the same instructions as described for all medications in our Medication Policy:
Make sure this is listed on her Health Form as well as on page 2 of her Physical Form in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account (available in the spring).
Also, please reach out to our Medication Director, to discuss a plan.