These are not professional streams and the quality is mediocre, but it is fun to watch the campers live on stage! Please check the blog section of our website for updates and information on the day of the event. Events start around 7:15 p.m., and will not stay live on the event page after the performance.
In 2020, we will Livestream the following events:
June Camp Play (June 16)
Main Camp Junior Play (July 16)
Main Camp Senior Play (July 20)
Visit our Live page at 7:15 p.m. on the day of the event to see the Livestreamed performances.
Recorded Performances: We will share a recorded copy of some events with our camp families after the performance. These recordings will be a low quality version of the event but will allow for you to see your daughter perform. This summer, we will share a copy of the Watershow (Main only) and Production Night (June, Main, August) after the events. We are unable to share a copy of the Plays due to copyright restrictions. We will also share the recorded videos for the night of our Five Year Ceremony (Main only) after the event.