Any COVID updates needed for our 2022 summer will be sent out in the spring before camp.

COVID Testing

During the summer, we will utilize COVID testing as one of our many health strategies to protect campers and keep our community healthy and safe.

  • We are asking that all campers come to camp with a negative molecular (PCR) COVID test. The only exceptions would be campers who have received a positive COVID test in the 90 days before camp, or any of our older campers who have been vaccinated. You can read more about this test on our Pre-Camp Health Screening information page.
  • If you are interested in ordering a test to perform at home, we recommend Community Lab’s saliva-based PCR test that can be mailed to you prior to your session. They will bill your insurance for the test, so it should be free to your family. You will administer the test at home, and then overnight the test back with the included prepaid shipping label. We will be using Community Lab for our summer testing (see more information below), so using them for your pre-camp test means your information will already be in their system.
  • We plan to test all unvaccinated campers at our June, Main, and August sessions on day 4 of their session. We are following the latest guidelines from the CDC, ACA (American Camp Association), and the NCDHHS, and all three organizations recommend testing all unvaccinated campers 3 - 5 days after arrival for any session lasting a week or longer. This is in addition to the recommendation for the pre-camp test. Parents need to register with Community Lab prior to the summer for this in-camp test. If you use this lab for your pre-camp test, your information will be in their system and ready to go. The test should be free for your family through your insurance! This is a fast, saliva-based (no nasal swabs!) PCR test that we will administer during Rest Hour. Our nurses and Group Leaders will help with the test so your daughter will be comfortable the whole time.You will be able to see your daughter’s test results electronically as soon as they are posted.
  • If a camper has symptoms consistent with COVID while she is at camp, she will be evaluated by our nurses and camp doctor, and testing will be considered. We will attempt to contact you if our Health Staff feels your daughter should be tested. You can read more about how we will test and what those test results mean on our Presumed or Positive Campers page.
  • Staff who are unvaccinated will need to come to camp with a negative molecular (PCR) COVID test. Vaccinated staff will not need to test prior to the summer unless they show signs or symptoms of illness. Once they arrive at camp, unvaccinated staff will be tested prior to the start of the summer and before each session. We will also test our staff as needed during the summer to ensure our community is safe and healthy.