Any COVID updates needed for our 2022 summer will be sent out in the spring before camp.

COVID: Presumed or Positive Case

We do our very best to keep your daughter healthy and safe while she is with us at Greystone! While we hope your daughter will never need to visit our Health Hut, this year, more than ever, we are ready and prepared to deal with any unexpected illness or injury.

Quick links for information below:

Basic Health Care

We have renovated our Health Hut and revised many protocols to better serve the campers this summer (and in future summers as well!). Our nurses will be “out and about” in the camp community and program areas more than usual in order to keep a close eye on the campers and staff.

To keep campers outside and well spaced as much as possible, we will triage any campers in one of our Health Hut tents located outside of the Health Hut. At these tents, we will be able to perform simple first aid and care for injuries, bee stings, splinters, and many other common camp injuries and illnesses.

If we do need to see your daughter indoors, she will be seen in a separate, sanitized space that is located in a different part of the Health Hut from any campers with COVID symptoms or illnesses. It will feel much like your doctors’ offices at home! We have renovated the back of our Health Hut and have added additional ward rooms for girls who need to stay at the Health Hut. With these separate ward rooms, we will be able to keep campers who may be contagious separated from each other.

Pill Hill is also getting a facelift this summer as our nurses will be on the move! Our fantastic nurse team will deliver medications directly to campers in The Fort to avoid the usual Pill Hill lines. Cabins will also have a new Pill Hill routine after Evening Program. Family groups will have a designated location to pick up their medicines, once again preventing any lines.

These changes are going to make for a better health experience for every camper, and we look forward to improving this part of the camper experience.

While we will do everything we can to keep your daughter healthy and safe this summer, we cannot guarantee that she will not contract COVID-19, or any other communicable disease, at camp. If you are worried about your daughter contracting COVID this summer, we would recommend that you roll over your camp enrollment until next year.

Presumed Positive: COVID

As always, any campers that show signs and symptoms of illness will be evaluated by our nurses and visiting physicians. If your daughter shows any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or any other communicable disease, she will be isolated until we clarify the diagnosis. We have individual rooms available as part of our renovated Health Hut, and girls can rest comfortably in one of these rooms.

If we are concerned that your daughter has COVID-19, we will attempt to contact you before conducting a test (see testing information below). However, if we are unable to reach you, we may proceed with testing and our COVID protocols.

COVID Testing & Protocols

Currently, we plan to test any camper who has symptoms of COVID-19 that cannot be explained by another diagnosis.

  • If your daughter tests positive with our day 5 in-camp screening testing of our June, Main, and August campers, we will immediately follow up that initial test with another PCR test to confirm those results.
  • If your daughter is presumed positive, we plan to administer or obtain a COVID test. We will use the most reliable test available with the best turnaround time for results. If an antigen test is used initially, it will be followed up with a molecular PCR test. While we await the results of your daughter’s test, she will rest comfortably in one of our isolated rooms.
  • If a camper’s test is negative, she will be admitted to our regular Health Hut ward (and will no longer be in isolation) and will be kept until her symptoms have resolved, and she is fever-free for 24 hours (just as we do with any contagious illness).
  • If a camper’s test is positive, she will be isolated. We will contact you immediately and ask that you come pick up your child as soon as possible. If your daughter tests positive, you will be refunded a prorated tuition for the days she is at home.
  • At our longer sessions, if a camper tests positive and must return home, she can come back to camp after the quarantine requirements have been met. We will work with each parent individually on these quarantine requirements.

As we mentioned above, we will be in touch with you if your daughter is showing symptoms of COVID-19 that have us concerned. We will walk you through every part of the process and will be in constant contact about the next steps.

Positive COVID Case in a Cabin Family

If we have a camper that tests positive for COVID in your daughter’s cabin, your daughter’s entire Family group (that has been in contact with that camper) will be evaluated by our Health Staff, and we will contact you right away.

We will contact you if there is a positive case in your cabin Family group in two different ways:

  • First, we will send you an email letting you know that there has been a positive COVID case in your daughter’s cabin Family group.
  • Then, we will follow up with a personal phone call to you. As we will be calling upwards of 20 families for any positive case, please be patient as we work through these phone calls.

If we have a positive COVID case, we will begin our enhanced COVID cleaning protocols immediately in the cabin space. Our professional cleaning service will deep clean the camper’s bed and all areas around the bed, including an enhanced cleaning of all high-touch surface areas and the shared bathroom space. Following our contact tracing protocols, we will also clean all camp-wide areas the cabin recently visited or used.

Family Camp: Cabin Quarantine Procedures

If a camper tests positive for COVID in your daughter’s cabin, we are prepared for the rest of the cabin to remain at camp with special guidelines. Our nurses will continue to monitor all exposed campers and will check in with the entire Family group multiple times a day to evaluate for any signs or symptoms of illness. As of now, we do not plan to test these exposed campers as long as they remain symptom free.

Family groups who have been exposed due to a positive COVID case in the cabin will enter Family Camp, our special quarantine camp program. In Family Camp, campers will continue camp “like normal” in many ways and will still enjoy a fabulous camp experience. We have hired a Family Camp Director for this summer whose sole job is to make this quarantine program the most normal (and amazing!) experience possible.

Because cabins will be going to most classes with only their cabin Family group, cabins in Family Camp will be able to experience the majority of their class schedule like normal. Campers will still be able to attend camp activities like Flag, Morning Assembly, and Evening Programs…just sometimes in a slightly adjusted way. For example, if the Evening Program for the night is an age-group activity, these Family Camp campers will enjoy a private Evening Program where our Family Camp Director and Program Staff will host the event just for their small group. Family Camp campers will eat in our traditional Dining Hall that we use during other summers (spreading out in all of the extra space!) or will enjoy picnics with their group in special locations. A cabin’s Family Camp experience will be so customized to their group, they might never want to rejoin the rest of camp!

Camper groups will remain in Family Camp for the recommended 10 days of quarantine, and we will be in touch with you daily to update you on the health of the group. If your daughter’s cabin needs to go into our Family Camp program, we will send more extensive details of how the program will work at that time.

Positive COVID Case in Camp

If we do have a positive COVID case in camp, we will let our greater camp community know as well. We will post any positive COVID cases on a webpage that is accessible to our camp families in each particular session. While we won’t share any specific details on the camper involved, we will update this website with any new cases that we have in camp. We will share this session-specific website with you on Opening Day.

Because we are keeping campers in smaller groups and utilizing so many different health and safety procedures, it is very unlikely that your daughter would be exposed outside of her Family group. If your daughter is personally exposed in any way, we will contact you immediately. If we have multiple COVID cases in our community, we will be in touch with all of our camp families to give you an update. Like always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns throughout the summer.

COVID Response Team

While we hope we won’t have to utilize them, we have a full team at Greystone that will serve as our COVID response team this summer. Our Health Hut Staff consists of two doctors and a team of over 8 nurses, and we have a full-time staff member trained in contact tracing.

Our Head Staff is fully trained on the steps to take if there is a presumed or positive case. Our camp department heads (laundry, cleaning, maintenance, food services, etc.) have practiced what to do if we have a positive COVID case; they will be ready and on call at all times, jumping into action at a moment’s notice.

Our summer staff will be undergoing extensive training (much like they do every summer) on basic health practices and on how to prevent the spread of illness in a close community. Counselors will also receive COVID specific training so that they are also prepared for any scenario that could happen this summer.