Cabin Families & Neighborhoods

Any COVID updates needed for our 2022 summer will be sent out in the spring before camp.

One of the many strategies we will use to keep campers healthy and safe is to keep girls in smaller “pod” type of groups. We are calling these groups Families and Neighborhoods.

Families: This year, every cabin building will be considered a Family group (i.e. Tentalow Lower 1 and Upper 1 will form a single Family). Cabin groups already feel like families each summer, so we are just taking it one step further and making it official! Campers will eat with their Family and will attend most of their classes with their Family group or Neighborhood. This model has been encouraged by the CDC, ACA (American Camp Association), and is now recommended for schools as well.

Neighborhoods: Your daughter’s Family will join with the cabin near her to create a Neighborhood, which will enable us to enjoy events as a larger camp community while still remaining in smaller pods. Neighborhoods will consist of 4 total cabin groups (so your daughter’s Family and one other Family group, making for a total of 4 cabins). Neighborhood groups will do many things together, but girls will still remain physically distanced from campers who are not in their Family. All Neighborhood classes will be outside and provide enough space to allow for distancing.

Wondering how to explain this to your camper? Hear from one of our Directors!