Alumnae as First Time Camp Moms

The transition from being an alumna to a Greystone mom is so much fun! Many of our alums have recently loved getting to experience Greystone in a brand new way and see their daughters enjoy camp for the first time.

We asked some of our most recent alums turned first-time camp moms what it was like to send their daughters to Greystone for their very first summer (either in 2021 or 2022). Check out their answers below!

Collins Warlick Byers

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: August Camp

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: I think August Camp is a great option for first time campers. We had plenty of time to prepare and get excited for camp over the summer. We loved watching the videos, viewing the pictures, and reading Jimboy’s blog from Junior, June, and Main Camp. This definitely helped build excitement! By the time August rolled around, Everett was SO READY to get to camp! I also think that 11 days was the perfect amount of time - enough time to make genuine friends (who she still is in contact with today) and enjoy classes, but also not too long for her first time away.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: There are more class and Evening Program options! I also appreciate that camp added the salad and fruit bar in the Dining Hall. And Waldo photos - the best addition ever! Before Waldo, I spent hours looking through pictures and refreshing waiting for the recent additions.

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: In so many ways, camp feels the same as it did in the ‘90s! I love that camp is so rich in tradition - that we sang the same songs in the Dining Hall, at Morning Assembly, and Council Fire. I love that she gets to experience Breakfast Club, Challenge Day, the Birthday Ball, and Banquet like I did. The Greystone “lingo” has remained the same and it’s so fun that I can relate AND reminisce when reading the Blog, emails, or Sparks. I also love that so many Greystone counselors and directors are still there because that’s what makes camp so special.

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: Everett came home singing songs from Morning Assembly and the Dining Hall, and I remember doing that too. She also cried all the way home because she didn’t want camp to be over and she wanted to stay longer. I definitely cried every year on the way home too!

Catherine Casteel Olasky

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: August Camp 2021

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: Honestly, I chose August because I thought COVID would be over by the latest point in the summer. I could have never dreamed that a pandemic would be a factor in choosing a session for my daughter to go to Greystone! At the time it felt like a consideration. However, I realized that - for whatever reason - we landed at the absolute right session for a seven year old. When we alums think of camp, we think of what it meant to us as high schoolers and some of the awkward middle school years. I certainly didn’t remember (or ever stop to consider) what camp for the first time would be like through the eyes of a very small child. August Camp was amazing because it catered to young and first-time campers in ways I cannot even begin to list. I think it made camp less intimidating, and certainly more exciting, to be with so many children of the specific age group she was used to seeing at school.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: I thought that I could set my watch by the Greystone daily schedule! I was shocked to find out it has evolved over time. Don’t assume your daughter will shower at 5:10 or during her second period of Swimming, for example. In the bigger picture, there is a spirit of kindness toward parents and parent outreach, which is very touching. I feel completely spoiled by Jimboy’s blog and the daily camp photos. They are absolutely fantastic.

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: All the emotions are the same. The nerves, the excitement, the complete joy, the sorrow at “goodnight and not goodbye.”

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: Wearing lots of “camp trends,” homemade jewelry, and gifts from cabinmates.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: Having a daughter to send to Greystone, and actually getting to send her, are two of the greatest privileges I will ever experience this side of heaven. It is the most special place in the world, and I love that my daughter already knows that.

Anna LeCorgne Schaefer

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: Junior Camp in 2021

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: Grace had just finished first grade, so we felt like it was the perfect way to ease into camp, knowing she would not want to leave after a week and want to come back for more.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: I lived at the pool as a camper, so I love all of the upgrades that have been made there since I left. Also, I loved hearing about new EPs that we didn’t have. And trail riding!

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: When Grace jumped in the car on Closing Day and started singing all of the same Morning Assembly songs that I used to sing 20+ years ago AND with all of the same hand motions, it made my heart so full. And all of the same Breakfast Club stories! Things like that is what makes sharing our experiences at Greystone so amazing.

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: See above! Also, she came home with such strong bonds with new friends and this amazing sense of calm about her that I remember feeling as well. She also cried while leaving both summers she has attended now, which I remember vividly. We were both crying when we had to leave this year!

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: I am jealous that she gets to be there and I don’t! Honestly though, having been a camper, it puts my mind at ease knowing she is in the best hands and place she could possibly be for her physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Courtney Gleysteen Johnson

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: My daughter Alice Wells attended 3 week last summer (2022) and 1 week the year before that (2021).

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: 1 week was great, and she got to try out each and every activity that camp offered. It was the year coming out of COVID, and everyone was a little nervous about how the summer would look, and it actually was a blessing because she had the nicest group in her cabin and just became best friends with everyone! And those girls stayed in each activity together, ate together, and had fun together.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: I got to see camp this year for the first time this summer since probably 1997. But it felt the exact same and yet so different. The Cabins/Tentalows/Bungalows all seemed in the same area, but I remember them being soooo much further apart…probably because I had shorter legs then (ha!) and it was a hike to get everywhere!

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: Alice Wells was a little homesick over the 3 week camp period and they sent her to the main director – Laura Hollowell. When I heard that she got to see and hug Laura, I said, “the same Laura Hollowell that was there when I was a camper, WOW??!” I loved Laura then and knowing she was still there hugging on my sweet girl made me so happy.

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: Jim and Libby led the camp when I was there, and I remember EVERY morning Jim started his day, and talking about it at breakfast with – “IT’S GONNA BE A GREAT DAY!” I actually say that to my girls each morning when I wake them up. And Alice Wells mentioned that Jimboy says something similar, and then it made me smile when I reread it in the Sparks brochure that was just mailed out recently.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: There was NOWHERE else I had in mind for my daughters than Camp Greystone. I was actually set up to be a counselor and teach Tennis for her first year, but COVID cancelled those plans of everyone attending camp. I was so excited to relive that experience! Alas, I didn’t get the chance because the next summer I couldn’t get away.

Carrie Frazier Andersen

Session your daughters attended for their first summer: Junior 2021

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: The girls were 7 and 9, and one week was the perfect introduction to camp life and being away from home. They went knowing only each other, so it was especially wonderful in 2021 when the cabins really stuck together in cohorts (because of COVID) - they had a blast, made so many friends (many of whom returned to June with them last year!).

A way camp has changed and stayed the same since you were a camper: There are some fun new classes, but the heart of camp remains the same. The dock was my favorite place in the 90s and is still today! Dog Camp seems like a great addition! My girls are still talking about it!

Something your daughters came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: Stumblers! My 10 year old hates waking up early, and when she came home with a Stumblers t-shirt, I was so shocked and proud (she won’t let her younger sister borrow it - you have to earn those)! Love it! And my 8 year old went thinking she wouldn’t get wet (“don’t even need to pack a swimsuit, Mom”), and by day 2, we saw pics of her going down the waterslide! They embraced all the opportunities and tried so many new things!!

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: It is such a blessing to send my daughters to Greystone. From the moment my husband and I found out we were having a girl 11+ years ago, we talked about Greystone (and I even wrote Diane in the office about the Wait List strategy!). My husband knows it helped prepare me to be the woman I am now, and he also wanted that experience for our girls. We are so thankful they love camp as much as I do - and my mom did in the 50s! It’s really special that 3 generations can share such a foundational experience, and we can all go back and have the best memories together!!!

Starr Smith Steinhilber

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: Junior Camp 2022

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: This was the first year my daughter was eligible, and it’s a perfect intro week. What I love most about it is that they get to try ALL the activities camp has to offer instead of having to choose.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: Greystone has done a phenomenal job of keeping with the times, letting the parents have an insider view (Waldo photo addition is AMAZING!) but keeping the same traditions.

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: I love that camp hasn’t changed substantially. A few upgrades here and there, a few remodeled sites, some cute puppies added, but the tradition of being outside and being together stands. My daughter’s favorite thing was the “cheddarball” game (tetherball), and I had flashbacks to learning that as a chilld on the same mulch.

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: I love love LOVE that all the songs are still the same! She’ll sing them under her breath, and then when I chime in louder, she’s shocked I know the words.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: Like the day would never come! I want to know every detail. And when she tells me, I can follow along with everything she has done. I sat on that bench. I chose the same Shoppe candy. I laid on the same Riflery floor. To pass on something you love so much is a rare, surreal experience.

Louise Friedrich McCown

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: My three oldest girls attended August this summer after COVID kept us away for two years! It made it even more special though for Charlotte, Weezie, and Jane to enjoy it together as they finished 5th, 3rd, and 1st grade.

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: I remember starting with August after 2nd grade (Junior wasn’t offered back then). I remember it took a few days to settle into the routine and get the big homesick jitters squelched too, then the fun of the “bubble” could really start!

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: Jimboy’s creativity absolutely amazes me. It’s still the same perfect camp of my dreams, but the fun and silliness has gotten bigger in the best possible way. Everything from Dog Camp to Mountain Biking shows how much the Miller family pours everything back into camp to keep offering the most beautifully comprehensive classes. I was hanging on every word of his daily Blog posts and could actually hear his voice in my head as I read. Both the Blog and the Waldo photos helped me to not only live vicariously through them all, but also write detailed letters affirming all of their fun.

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: The preservation of every single detail at camp is remarkable. Every wooden sign, each Banquet plaque, and even all the architectural details in the new structures are all the physical things that still feel like the perfect home away from home we treasure. The best part, though, is all the matters of the heart that are poured into our girls. Thinking of the character traits and value of their identity in Christ they learn at camp is exactly the same as JimDaddy and Libby taught us. Every story they hear, each Breakfast Club or worship song, and even the Council Fire lessons are all helping them grow in that same beautiful four-fold way!

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: I started crying happy sobs in my kitchen when they all started dancing the moves to “Life is Precious” by Wes King. I’ll never forget the summer he came to perform, and we all did them in the Pavilion for the first time. Then they followed that up with the dance moves to “It’s a Big Big House with lots and lots of room…” and I had to join in! The cherry on top was the next song request (that would make Ainsley Fisher Tillman and Kelly Carew Michel beam with pride!) - 99 Red Balloons. Even my 3 year old daughter had to join in.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: Absolutely surreal… I’m completely serious when I say that when my oldest daughter, Charlotte, was born and they announced “It’s a Girl!” they really should have said “It’s a {Greystone} Girl!” It was one of the very first thoughts of thankfulness I had in that precious moment!

Anne Marie Borrego Power

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: My daughter Sarah attended Junior Camp.

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: It was the perfect session for her, because she was just finishing first grade. It’s a nice way to ease into camp, and knowing that so many of my Greystone friends were working the session made me feel even more comfortable.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: Wow — where to start! How about no more Tentalow/Bungalow showers? The Dining Hall is bigger, there’s more to do on Lake Edith (Blob, slides, and more!), and of course there’s the Fort. EPs all seem bigger and more exciting.

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: Camp hasn’t changed in the most important ways. The girls still get to try new things in a safe environment, where they can recognize growth even when they can’t master something right away. They get to make new friends, feel independence from their parents, and explore their interests. And then there’s, of course, the same songs, the DMCs, rolling down the hill, Breakfast Club, Team Fires, Challenge Day, and the Banquet clap. Most importantly, they get to be GIRLS. Silly, goofy, vulnerable girls in a place where kindness is king and where they’re reminded daily that God loves them.

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: After Sarah got home, she would sometimes get quiet and then laugh a little to herself. My husband or I would ask her what she was laughing about, and she said, “oh, I just had a camp memory.” She’d also cry from time to time, sad because she missed her friends. I’ll admit, the first few days at home were ROUGH (lots of tears), but they were always that way for me, too. I’d simultaneously feel happy to see my family and miserable that I was away from camp. She and I talked about how those conflicting feelings could live inside ourselves at the same time and how it’s ok to not want to go home.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: I’m full of gratitude to be a mom of a camper. I’m grateful that she loves it so much. I wish I could be there with her and do it all over again, but it’s also really fun to see her experience camp in her own way. What a gift!

Susanna Johnson Shannon

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: August 2022

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: August worked well with our school calendar, and it was the perfect length for the first time away from home for our 7 year old.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: The FORT! There are showers in all the Tentalows. I can still smell the Herbal Essence from the shower house (bath house) circa 1992.

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: The songs, the meals, traditions (like EPs, crackers, Vespers, and Banquet).

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: Singing the songs and saying “It’s a Great Day!”

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: It is an incredibly special experience to share with my daughter. On Opening Day she was assigned to my same first cabin (TL1). Go ODDS! I am grateful for the independence Greystone gives her and the friendships she will continue to forge at camp.

Casey Copenhaver Fraise

Session your daughter attended for her first summer: August Camp

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: August is a great way to experience camp for the first time - it’s just long enough to get a feel for what it’s like to be at Greystone, but short enough to manage time away from family for the first time (and let’s be honest, it is hard for parents to say goodbye to their camper for the first time too!!).

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: I’m pretty sure Greystone didn’t have the amazing chocolate chip scones when I was a camper. Wow, they are delicious!

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: I remember all of my Tentalows and Bungalows and I don’t think much has changed with those since back in the day.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: I grew up in North Carolina and am raising my children in New York City. So much is different about the way my daughter is being raised today, so I love that we can have a shared experience with Camp Greystone and the many special Greystone traditions.

Hunter McEaddy Dawson

Session your daughters attended for their first summer: I have two daughters that attended Greystone for the first time in the summer of 2021. Gretchen (12) went to three week camp and Bee (10) attended Junior camp.

Why that session was the perfect session to start with: I was thrilled that Gretchen was willing to dive right into three week camp. I myself started out as a three week camper and personally, I believe that is the perfect amount of time to really reap the benefits of camp, especially if it is your first time away from home for a longer period of time. Three weeks allows a camper time to get over any initial homesickness, get into a routine and then reap the rewards of the camp experience. It also allows Greystone to really show these girls how meaningful and memorable their time at camp can be. There is time for so many of the fun camp traditions, as well as ample time to set and achieve activity goals.

My younger daughter Bee, went to Junior Camp her first year. It was good for her to have this shorter experience because up until that point, thanks to COVID, she had not had many opportunities to be away from home. The thought of being away from home for three weeks overwhelmed her, so Junior Camp was a good compromise in that situation. I know that she had a lovely time, but it really is such a small taste of the Greystone experience - they just can’t do it all in such a short amount of time, and I really couldn’t wait for her to have the true camp experience. Happily, her Junior Camp experience definitely allowed her to get her “camp” feet wet and gave her the confidence to join her sister at three week camp this past summer.

A way camp has changed since you were a camper: Finally getting to explore camp this year at pickup was such a treat. It had been so long since I was last there. Things certainly have changed - there are so many new cabins - and they all have their own showers! My girls did not understand my stories of having to walk to the showers!

A way camp has stayed the same since you were a camper: So many things about camp remain the same. In particular, the smell of the wood chips and the tetherball poles everywhere. Those two things are quintessential “Camp Greystone” in my mind and happily, still the same!

Something your daughter came home saying or doing that you did when you were a camper: I loved having my girls come home singing all of the Greystone songs. I also loved how they came home wanting to continue with their devotional studies that their Counselors had been doing with them.

What it feels like to finally be a mom of a camper: I was so happy to finally be able to send my girls to camp. Greystone played such an important role in my life for many years. I adored my time there, and I have such amazing and wonderful memories of my time as a camper. Camp is the ultimate “childhood unplugged” opportunity and I cannot think of anything more important than sending my daughters to this beautiful place to spend time enjoying fun times, special friends, and important growth moments away from the hectic pace of our real world and, more importantly, away from the screens! It makes my heart happy to think that I am able to give the same gift to my own daughters and to see the light in their eyes when they talk about their own special Greystone memories!