Specific Prayers God Answered in Summer 2021

This has been a season of great need for every person in the world. The pandemic forced changes in every aspect of life, in every corner of the globe, and reminded us of how little control we have. This was particularly true at Greystone.

Our expectations for the summer (firmly established over many generations) were completely upended as health and safety guidelines impacted every aspect of camp. With no income in 2020, we were put in a financial bind (most of the expenses for the summer are incurred well before the summer begins). Our program, daily schedule, traditions, arrival and departure protocols, food service, and even buildings had to be adapted to the new situation.

We were humbled and driven to our knees in prayer. Those prayers were answered in magnificent ways as we experienced one of the most significant summers of our lives.

We prayed quite literally “without ceasing” in the months leading up to the summer of 2021, the particular prayers changing according to the topics of the day but always with the theme of God’s glory.

As we made our preparations, we prayed that every aspect of this summer would bring glory to God as our community experienced camp in a whole new way. We had confidence in the outcome, for Jesus told his disciples in Mark 11:24, “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.” The whole purpose of life is to glorify God; hand all the details over to Him and He will be faithful. We believed, and our prayers were answered in abundance.

Some highlights of the Lord’s answers to our prayers:

  • Finances: We were blessed by generous patrons (many camp families donated all or part of their 2020 tuition), Alumnae, government pandemic loans, and generous bank loans. The combination met our obligations with ease.
  • Opening Day: The new “drive-thru drop off” was amazing for camper and counselor alike. It was an overwhelmingly good experience and the perfect beginning to each camp session.
  • The FORT: Designed and constructed in record time, it is now one of the most beloved buildings in camp. Weekly Church services sanctified the space and made it very special.
  • The Program: Staying in cabin groups for activities proved to be wonderful. Our fears that it would be “too much togetherness” did not materialize. Social and spiritual growth were outstanding.
  • Special Events: Morning Assembly and Evening Programs by the lake, Council Fire at the Meadow, Carnival, and Banquet were all amazing. Because they were all so good, it is hard to decide how we will go back to the “old” way of doing things!
  • Meals: Eating in the FORT was so much fun. Some of our favorite moments occurred around the table, and the Kitchen crew did a fantastic job transporting our food three times a day.
  • Closing Day: The drive-thru pick up system worked seamlessly! Parents were in and out of the gates in record time.

This year we learned to believe the promises of prayer. No matter what you are going through (situations big and small), remember God is faithful to redeem every situation and make your life shine for His glory.