The Camp Connection

Our hearts were heavy when we had to cancel all of our sessions for 2021, but the group we were most concerned about (and missed the most) was our campers! They are the reason we do what we do, and we spend all year dreaming up ways to delight them each summer. We knew that even though we couldn’t gather in person this year, we still wanted to go above and beyond for our 2020 campers. It was time to put on our camp-hats and get creative!

Recreating the exact magic and feeling of camp would be impossible; you know better than anyone that the bubble feeling only exists when you’re at Greystone with your camp friends. But we still wanted to connect with these girls and give them resources that would remind them of their summer home while also giving them a small taste of camp that they were missing. Thus, The Camp Connection was born!

Every session featured a webpage that became the hub for all of the unique content we planned specifically for that group of campers. (Check them out - Junior, June, Main, and August.) With the help of our incredible counselors, we shared Breakfast Clubs, Morning Assemblies, video classes, daily devotions, special events, and so much more that would live on each page for girls to enjoy whenever they felt a little camp-sick. It was a big effort that took many hands to pull off but was endlessly worth it to see our campers have a little camp-fun throughout the summer. And did they ever - between our four sessions, the Camp Connection pages had almost 7,000 unique visitors!

Everyone needed a little bit of the Greystone spirit this year, and though we normally try to stay far away from technology at camp, this summer we couldn’t have been more grateful for the way it allowed us to stay connected to our campers.

Are you missing camp just as much? Come be a part of The Camp Connection!