Tell Us Your Camp Story (and Brag on Your Friends!)

Whether you spent a week at camp, or every summer of your life, the sweet spirit of this place has touched your life in a deep way. It’s why we get so excited to see a Greystone bumper sticker or a sweatshirt in an airport. Our camp stories connect us all.

But no camp story is alike, so we want to hear yours! This year on our blog, we’re telling YOUR camp stories in all their glorious differences. We know you have that one funny memory, that one counselor that made a difference, or the one conversation with Libby that has stuck with you. Come tell us about it!

The other thing that we all have in common? Camp friendships! We know there are Greystone Girls out there doing incredible things, and who better to brag on them than their friends? Have a friend who has started a business? Won an award? Made the world around her a brighter place? Nominate her!

We’ll be sharing your entries on our blog all year long, so join us there to reminisce and cheer on your fellow Greystone gals!