I went to Wofford College for undergrad, MUSC for nursing school, and Georgetown University for my WHNP. I’m excited to come to camp because Camp Greystone is the best place ever, truly a sanctuary. It’s a place where girls can totally be themselves, have fun and learn. I cannot wait for this summer!
A few things I love: Running, cooking, travelling
When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Get outside or cook
The one thing that makes any day better: Coffee
Best camp tradition? All of them
Favorite Evening Program? Carnival
The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… All of it
Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: My daughter, Mary ;)
At camp, I’ll be the one… Looking up the lunch and dinner menus for the day
Come find me if… You want a running buddy!
I wanted to work at Greystone because… I love that it empowers women and is such a phenomenal place.
The best thing about camp will be… The Health Hut!