Hey y’all! My name is Gill, and I am a freshman at Ole Miss! I am beyond excited to return to my home away from home for the first time as a counselor! I always cherished the impact my counselors in the past had on me, and I hope to do the same thing for younger girls this summer! I love spending time outdoors, doing devotions with friends, and long walks! I love taking on new adventures and cannot wait to see what this summer holds!
A few things I love: Hanging out with friends, meeting new friends, devotions, long walks, dogs, sports, and family
When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Play pickleball
Something you wouldn’t guess about me: I used to have a pet tortoise named Reggie!
The one thing that makes any day better: good weather
Best camp tradition? Closing Vespers
Favorite Evening Program? Corn Roast
The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… Cheesy Chicken
Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: Water Bottle!!
The song that describes me: Here comes the sun
The most famous person I’ve met is… Grace Valentine
My favorite cheesy joke: How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it
At camp, I’ll be the one… to eat the wowbutter by itself
I wanted to work at Greystone because… It was my happy place for 11 years, and I wanted nothing more than to return as a counselor.
The best thing about camp will be… Meeting new people and growing in my faith!