Charlotte Vech

Cedar Bluffs, NE

4 years as a camper

1st year on staff

I am so excited to come to camp this summer because it will be my first year as a counselor! I can’t wait to meet more people and return to camp! My favorite animal is a dog. I have 3 dogs myself. I love being outdoors and I also love swimming.

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.Romans 12:17-19

Things that I love: I love swimming, being outdoors, playing games, and hanging out with friends

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… I like to make bracelets, bake, and play with my dogs.

Best camp tradition? Water sports day!

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: Rain jacket! it can rain a lot at camp and it’s always a relief to have a raincoat with you!

The one thing that makes any day better: seeing a dog!

The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… bread! the bread is amazing and it’s my favorite.

My favorite dad joke: What do mermaids was there tails with? -tide

My go-to pump up song: yeah! by usher

Favorite childhood book: Pinkalicious

My lovey (favorite stuffed animal, blanket, etc.) growing up was a…. I had a cinderella blanket

I wanted to work at Junior Camp because… I have always loved camp as a camper. I am excited to come back as a counselor, and share my love for camp with the young campers!

The best thing about camp will be… meeting new people