Anna Stephens


5 years as a camper

3rd year on staff

Hi! My name is Anna Stephens, and I am super excited to be a group leader this year! I am a sophomore at UGA! Go Dawgs! This will be my 8th summer at Greystone, and I could not think of a better place with better activities and better friends than here!

“Love is patient, Love is kind…” 1 Corinthians 13:4

Things that I love: Walks, reading, UGA football

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Go to the fishing dock

Best camp tradition? Banquet!

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: Swimsuit

The one thing that makes any day better: Watermelon table

The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… OCP (AKA Oreo Cream Pie)

My lovey (favorite stuffed animal, blanket, etc.) growing up was a…. Duck