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Aniya Joseph

Irmo, SC

2nd year on staff

Hey, I’m Aniya! I am a rising junior at the University of South Carolina on the PA track. I can’t wait to meet the girls and help them grow in their faith this week!

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“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31

Things that I love: Cheerios, music, and sweets!

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Hang out with my friends

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: My chapstick

The one thing that makes any day better: Sweets

The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… The dessert

My favorite dad joke: What does a baby computer call its father? Data

My go-to pump up song: Dixieland delight

Favorite childhood book: The very hungry caterpillar

My lovey (favorite stuffed animal, blanket, etc.) growing up was a…. The purple unicorn pillow pet

I wanted to work at Junior Camp because… I want to help these girls have a great camp experience and grow closer to the Lord

The best thing about camp will be… Making friends!