The Camp Connection

Main Camp

Your one-stop-shop for all of the Main Camp fun! You may not physically be at camp this summer, but we’ve curated content to give you a small taste of the bubble at home. This page will stay live all summer long, so check back in whenever you get camp-sick!

Want more? Check out our June Camp Connection and August Camp Connection!

Breakfast Club Videos

  • Week 1: Today’s topic? How to build and maintain friendships in this new pandemic world. Even better, the short story today is brand new - you’ll be the first to hear it and (maybe?) laugh!
  • Week 2: This one is all about physical growth, and Jimboy finally explains what he means by “winter bear” and “summer bear.” As for the short story, he’s introducing more new material that may just be a little dark and scary. Watch at your own risk!
  • Week 3: Tune in for mental growth (one of his favorites!) and of course, a short (ish) story. Grab your family and sing the song! Squat challenge anyone?
  • Week 4 It’s the last “regular” Breakfast Cluband this time we’re talking mental growth. Don’t miss one of your last chances to hang with JB, and see which crazy button up he has on today. Maestro, let’s shake, rattle, and roll!
  • Week 5: Jimboy’s got the traditional final story teed up, the one that we tell at the final Breakfast Club every year. Tune in for the Frog and the Scorpion, a lesson we all need to remember in the real world!

Morning Assembly

  • Week 1: Join some of your favorite campers and staff to sing favorites like “Marvelous Light,” “Life is Precious,” and “Magnolia,” and then hear a quick devotion from Group Leader Eva. No matter if you’re at camp or at home, there’s no better way to start the day!
  • Week 2: Jump in for “My Father’s House,” “Dive,” and “Called Me Higher” (one of our faves!). Stick around for a devotion from counselor Amy Morgan!
  • Week 3: As always we have fast songs, slow songs, and a devo from a camp celeb we know you’re going to love. Spiritual growth that’s also fun and active? Sign us up!
  • Week 4: This one might be our favorite yet because it stars our 2020 Seniors! All Girl Assemblies are one of our favorite traditions during Main Camp, so we knew we had to do one from afar this year. Tune in for an assembly totally led by this incredible group of girls - they are just the best!

Camp Classes

  • Cooking class with Solveig: She’s taking you step by step through her famous Garbanzo Bean Donuts that are as fun to make as they are to eat. Wow your family with those cooking skills today!
  • Greystone Groove: Margaret and Katie are leading you through favorites like “Escape,” “Nothing Holding Me Back,” “Sweet But Psycho,” “Indian Summer,” “Bye Bye Bye,” and more. PLUS be the first to learn a brand new Groove dance to “Blinding Lights” so you’ll know it when it plays next year! Grab your family or a camp friend and get ready to work up a sweat in the best way.
  • Sandi’s Bible: Grab your Bible and settle in for some encouragement and wisdom for your week. It’s almost as good as cramming onto the Dining Hall porch together! Check out her second lesson here!
  • Crafts: Mary Ellen and Madison will walk you through today’s project step by step, but we can’t wait to see how creative you get with it! Make sure to send us pictures of your final project.
  • Magic with Bill Taylor Sandi’s husband Bill is known for his magic tricks that he pulls out at the Counselor Talent Show, and today he’s doing something magicians never do - teaching you how to do one of his tricks! Grab a rope or a string and set aside a few minutes to learn from the best. You can show off what you learned at camp next year!
  • Fitness: String up those tennis shoes for a workout with with counselor Elizabeth Robertson. She’s leading you through 3 options of 10 minute exercises to get your heart up while having a lot of fun (of course!). Choose from abs, lower body, or upper body, or do all three!

Camp Favorite Recipes

  • Chicken Enchiladas: It’s time to host your own mexican food night at home! We’ve never shared this recipe publicly before, but just get ready for LOTS of cheese. Bookmark this one to make for your family - it’ll be a hit!
  • Poppyseed Chicken: It’s one of your favorites and ours! Make sure to try it today, or bookmark it for later. This is one that always gets a cheer when you see it in Window 2.
  • Granola and Sweet Georgia Muffins: We’re setting you up for the most important meal of the day, Greystone-style. Make them for your family today and you will be the favorite child for sure!
  • Veggie Lasagna: We’re walking you step by step through one of your Sunday lunch favorites. Don’t be intimidated by the layering. It’s easier than it looks and is so worth the effort in the end! It’s the perfect comfort food for a homey post-church lunch or dinner this weekend.
  • Derby Day Sandwiches: These will make you feel like you’re at the fanciest tea party (or just on the softball field. We’re making pimento cheese and Benedictine sandwiches, so come join us!
  • Opening Day Scones
  • Taco in a Bag: It couldn’t be simpler (or more delicious!) so grab your favorite taco fixings and introduce this classic to your family at home. Plus, we’re giving you the recipe to our famous sprinkle cookies too, just for kicks!

Fireside Chats

  • Jimboy and Dr. Margaret: They’re giving an update on what camp’s like right now, answering some of your burning questions from Instagram, and finishing off by playing a viral game that you’ve GOT to see. It’s the next best thing to sitting across the table from them!
  • EP Hosts Cat and Garth: Today EP hosts Cat and Garth are sliding in just in time to check in with all of you! Let’s see how they’ve been doing during the pandemic, and hear a few of their signature songs. It’s an EP… without the EP!
  • Lell and Ellen Anne: Get ready for lots of funny old camp stories (pranks anyone??) and laughs. Come sit and stay a while (or at least a few minutes).
  • Senior Seniors: We definitely saved the best for last. Our Seniors are back, and this time they’re giving their best advice and words of wisdom to our younger campers. We don’t ever want them to leave us!
  • Messages from Your Counselors: They are missing you as much as you miss them, so make sure to watch their video messages. Parts two and three too! We’ve even got their Banquet Goodnight Song for the next time you want to get in your feelings.
  • A Pajama Storytime with Laura: Join your camp mom to wind down for the night with one of her favorite books!

Special Events

  • TikTok LipSync Challenge: Hop on over to our TikTok (yep, we have one!), to see Jimboy’s dance, and then add a Duet, or tag us in your own dance with the hashtag #LipSyncTikTokChallenge.
  • Great Greystone Animal Race: It’s got Sarah Brown written all over it, so you know it’s going to be good. Cheer on your favorite (fake) camp animals as they make their way around the track and we find out once and for all who is the GOAT. It’s the kind of thing you just have to experience, so we’ll leave it at that. It’s a guaranteed laugh at the very least!
  • Mini Concert We don’t know if you’re ready for this… Drew and Ellie and Verses are performing just for YOU, our Greystone Girls. So put on your whites and maybe even set up in your backyard - it’s the next best thing to being on the Pageant Court together! Want to keep grooving after the videos are over? We’ve got a new Spotify playlist filled with all of our concert guests. Check it out!
  • Chopped Night: The secret ingredient is Ritz crackers, and your job is to make something out of what you have in your kitchen that would make Gervais proud! Want to take it up another level? Set up a family judging panel. We can’t wait to see what you whip up!
  • Snail Mail Day: The challenge is simple: take some time today to write an old fashioned letter to your camp friends, your counselor, even Jimboy and Margaret. We’ve got some printable stationary for you to use and a few questions to get you started, but get creative! Let’s write so many letters that the Post Office wonders what’s going on. Ready… set… write!
  • Corn Roast: When we thought about the events we wouldn’t be able to have this summer, Corn Roast was at the top of our list. There’s nothing quite like this mellow night, but today we’re giving you our best ideas for bringing a taste of it home with you. Try out one or a few to show your family why this EP is a camper favorite every year. No matter what you do make sure to end the night with a bluegrass version of Amazing Grace. ~chef’s kiss~
  • Theme Night: Since you’re missing the bubble as much as we are, the theme is (drumroll please…) ultimate stereotypical camper. We’re going all out on what everyone THINKS you look like while you’re away at summer camp. Invite your friends or just go all out with your family - we’ve got your back with outfit and menu ideas, and of course the necessities of a theme meal: music and decorations. Make sure to send us your pictures!
  • Do Nothing Day If you’re anything like us, even this quarantine time has felt busy, but such is life. And that is why it’s so important to build in intentional time to rest. So today we’re challenging you to step away from the screens and obligations, and spend some time outside and just doing nothing. We’re giving you all our best tips on the blog for the perfect Do Nothing Day at home, but most of all, we just hope you rest today!
  • Closing Vespers: Keep shining that light at home, Greystone Girls!


  • 4 Fold goal setting printable, It’s the easiest way to boldly claim the next few weeks, and make what matters happen! Fill it out, and hang it somewhere where you will see it every day.
  • Stumblers: Whether you’re a walker or a runner (or a sleep-er-in-er!), we want you to join us and get moving today at home. Check out our tips to make the most of your stumble, and make sure to send us a picture when you do so we can imagine we are all crowded down at the track together. No matter what you do, sugar cereal is always a great treat afterward!
  • At-Home Water Challenge: Remember the Greystone Water Challenge? Well we’re bringing our own water challenge home to you today. Picture Watersports Day at home - perfect for your 4th of July pool day. Who’s in?
  • Carnival Challenge: Make a slip n’ slide, put on that patriotic one piece, and maybe even whip up a funnel cake. It’ll give you that Carnival feeling, no flailing in the dance contest required!
  • Fitness Challenge We’ve got an easy circuit workout that you can adjust to your own skill level, plus a fun camp fitness fact you might not know. Get a camp friend on FaceTime, crank up some tunes, and do it together! Are you going to take the challenge?
  • Week of Gratitude. Thankfulness is a big deal at camp, so this week we are setting aside some time to focus on things that we are grateful for, and we have a challenge for you each day! The world feels crazy and scary right now, so it is even more essential to stop and focus on the good. Let’s all do that together this week.
  • Stargazing: We’ve got all the supplies, snacks, star charts, and of course mood music that will make your night magical. The best part? Knowing that your Greystone friends all over the world are looking at the same sky as you are! Swoon.
  • Wiener Dog Social: We are setting you up with everything you need to celebrate the glorious hot dog. Printable menus, head staff specialty dog cards, and hot dog hats because why not? Happy WDS from us to you!
  • Main Camp Service Project: There’s no better time to shine your light at home, and we want to come together as a Greystone community to bless the people around us during this challenging time. We’ve got all the details for you here - you can pick your project, and then get going. We can’t wait to see how you make your world a little brighter this month!

Blogs and Links

  • Jimboy’s Opening Day blog: Click through for a message from your favorite summertime dad welcoming you to the Camp Connection.
  • Summer Hits playlist: It’s filled with all the songs that would have been on our iPods this summer - the first step to an epic dance party!
  • Sarah’s Book Recommendations: These aren’t your average school summer reads - we promise! Grab a book and hang out in a hammock for a while. It’ll almost be like you’re back in Eno Summer Reading!
  • Meet our 2020 Seniors: We just have to brag on them - they have shown true Great Day attitudes throughout this whole spring, and have loved each other every step of the way. Click on through to get to know them a little bit better. We know you love them as much as we do!
  • 2020 Camp Photo and Video Contest: We take lots of pictures and videos during the summer, but there is something even more special about seeing the ones our campers take themselves, and now we want to see them! Check out the blog post for all the details, or go straight to our form to enter right now. Don’t be shy - we can’t wait to see what you’ve got!
  • Staying Close to God after Camp: We all know that camp can feel like a spiritual mountaintop, where you are so close to the Lord and th people you love. But what happens when you leave? One of the most common questions we get every year is “How do I keep my faith strong when I’m not at camp?” and today we’re giving you our best words of wisdom and resources to encourage you this year. Bookmark it to reference this year when you’re feeling down!
  • Sleep Late Friday at Home: Extra points if you’re able to persuade a sibling to bring you breakfast in bed! A girl can dream.
  • Favorite Banquet Memories: There is so much that makes this night magical - which one is your favorite?

Daily Devotions

A devotion for everyday of Main Camp.

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