We’ve talked a lot about the unexpected joys summer 2021 brought. There’s no denying that out of our 103 years, this one was especially sweet, and the...
After spending her whole life at Greystone, Catherine is excited to be joining the camp year-round team! A camper for 12 summers and a counselor for 4, Catherine will be working on counselor hiring, camper engagement, and many other details that combine to make Greystone better every year. Catherine graduated from Wofford College and now lives in Raleigh with her husband, Peter, and dog, Ben.
I learned this summer that Goodbyes are hard!
We’ve talked a lot about the unexpected joys summer 2021 brought. There’s no denying that out of our 103 years, this one was especially sweet, and the...
I love Greystone because it is everything I imagined.
‘Tis the season for Christmas treats of all kinds, and you can’t go wrong with a classic cookie. This fall we’ve been sharing some of your favorite ca...
We’ve been answering your number one question all fall long, and so far we’ve covered Jimboy, Laura, and Ellen-Anne. Today we’re finally popping the q...
I never want to forget how this is the happiest I have been in a long time and it’s so stress-free!
Every Greystone Girl knows that camp food is the best food, but why save it just for the summer? Our Cooking page is chock full of Kitchen favorites ...
We love the Christmas season here at camp, for all the reasons you might expect: celebrating the good news of Emmanuel, spending time with friends and...
This summer I learned that even though camp was “different,” it felt like it never changed.
Do you hear the sound of jingle bells? The happiest time of the year (other than camp!) is back, and our annual Ornament Exchange is too! We launched ...
I love Greystone because it’s different than every other place in the world and it’s just the best place ever!
Our fall series continues today as we’re asking Ellen-Anne the million dollar Camp Director question: “so what do you actually do all year?” We’ve all...
This summer was A.A.A.A. (Amazing, awesome, and amazing again!)
There were so many wonderful things about summer 2021, but one of the sweetest? Launching our new Honor Council leadership program! Traditions run dee...
I never want to forget that kindness is so important and wonderful and very rewarding to you and can make you feel really good!
It’s the year of camp cookies over here, and we couldn’t be more delighted about it! (Who has already made our s’mores cookies we shared last month?) ...
This summer was amazing! Maybe the best - no, definitely the best Greystone summer ever!
Camp is all about the people, and we always want to keep you updated on changes to our year-round team. Well come on and pop the confetti with us, bec...
I love Greystone because everyone is so welcoming with open arms.
Ah yes, the classic “what do you do all year as a camp Director?” question. We hear it all the time, and we get it - this job is a little weird! So th...
This summer I learned that you don’t have to be someone you’re not to make friends.
I love Greystone because I feel free and every day there is something new in store for me!
We love sharing our special camp recipes for you to make at home whenever you’re missing Greystone, and this year, we’re taking it in a sweet directio...
This summer at camp we introduced a new Honor Code, that actually wasn’t very new at all! You see, while having a structured, outlined Honor Code was ...
This summer was amazing. The best ever - I don’t think anything can top it!
Growing spiritually at camp is as easy as clapping your hands and claiming the day - it comes naturally while you’re here! But what happens once you l...