Our Best Advice For Navigating Cabin Requests

Cabin life is one of the best parts of camp, and as the summer gets closer, we know you’re starting to anticipate it just as much as we are! Who’s going to be in your daughter’s cabin? Who will be her counselor? We know these details matter, and we make these assignments prayerfully and thoughtfully, but you have a part to play in this process too!

Today we’re highlighting everything you need to know about cabin requests and sharing our best tips and advice. Look for your Cabinmate Request Form in your CampMinder account starting in early March to submit your request!

Have questions about your cabin requests? Reach out to us; we would love to talk to you more.

  • Junior Camp:
  • June and Main Camp:
  • August Camp:

The Cabinmate Request Form: Thinking Ahead

You’ll have the opportunity to enter up to two cabinmate requests for us to consider in your pre-camp forms. Many families enjoy making a request, but you do not need to submit one; any cabin will be full of new friends for your daughter!

This form will go live in early March (you will receive an email when forms are live), and all forms are due by May 1st. In the meantime, start thinking about who your daughter might like to request to be in her cabin this summer.

We place girls in a cabin with other campers in the same grade. Occasionally, we will have a mixed-grade cabin, and in that circumstance, we will consider double requests from girls who are one grade apart. This means that one of the campers will be in a cabin with a grade older or younger than she is.

We do everything we can to put your daughter with one requested friend if that friend also requests her. Is it important to you that your daughter be with her Penpal? Is there a camp friend from last year who would make her session extra special? Would you like your twin daughters to bunk together? Your Cabinmate Request Form is the place to let us know!

Important to note: if your daughter is hoping to be with a friend from her hometown, it is essential that this friend also request your daughter in return. Please communicate with that friend’s parents beforehand if that is a priority for you! Mixing up girls from different cities is a big priority for us, so know that we factor that in when placing girls together.

A Few Tips:

  • Talk to your daughter about who she might like to share a cabin with before you fill out your Cabinmate Request Form. You might be surprised by her answer!
  • Don’t delay filling out this form! All forms are due by May 1st, and after that, we start placing campers in cabin groups for the summer. It is helpful for us to have this information on time.
  • Once you’ve listed your cabinmate request on your form, there is no need to list it anywhere else! We pull cabin information directly from that form, so if it’s there, we’ve got it. Remember that we don’t accept requests for top or bottom bunks; it’s fun to try both while you’re a camper!
  • If you do not want to be with a friend who is requesting your daughter, be honest with that family. We do not keep cabin requests confidential, and these conversations are much easier to have prior to the summer!
  • Remember that while the cabin unit is so important, it is far from the only time for your daughter to see her friends at camp. Girls can sign up to take classes together, sit together at Evening Programs, and find each other for a quick hug all across camp. Locationally, cabins are also very close to each other, so it’s easy to find your friends!

One final note:

We believe that God is present and guiding us in every aspect of camp, and cabin placement is no exception! We know you can experience some nerves as you wait to see which cabin your daughter will be in this summer. Just know that we are praying right alongside you and trusting that the Lord is at work!

Have concerns or want to talk us through your particular situation? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Director team! We do everything we can to make each cabin the perfect mix of personalities, cities, and Greystone experiences, and we want to partner with you to make this coming year the best one yet.

Your daughter is going to love meeting new friends and reuniting with old connections this summer. We can’t wait for another wonderful year of cabin life!