June 18 2024

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Last night’s Senior Celebration was spectacular. We quickly gathered on the pageant court for an early 7:15 start, knowing that it would be a long show. Dr. Margaret opened the program with a few words in dramatic fashion… accompanied by a blast from Perry (the lightning warning system) and a loud rumble of thunder. The wind was fierce as the seniors were presented by name, taking their seats of honor as we flirted with disaster.

There was no actual danger (the storm was on the Northern horizon, and we never get storms moving North to South around here), but it certainly made for a memorable setting. The acts were excellent… every cabin sang as a group, and every senior participated in an act that delightedly represented their unique personalities and skills. The wind continued throughout the night as storms moved past us, but Perry did not go off again as the temperatures plummeted. For the first time in memory, I was glad to wear a sports coat in July (it is essential to dress appropriately for this program). When Margaret announced the Queen and her court, another storm was approaching (this time from the South, a more concerning situation). So she closed quickly and we were back in our cabins when the rain hit just before taps. It was a fantastic night!

Our weather pattern has changed, which should make for a SUPER comfortable setting for the rest of Main Camp. Rain is forecast for every day. This translates into afternoon showers, with cloud cover for much of the day. We are excited about a comfortable theater experience for tonight’s Junior Play production of Frozen.

The Junior play is always a treat. The staff and campers work very hard on every aspect of the show (voice, acting, choreography, costumes, set, lighting, and audio), thus ensuring it meets the high standards of our sophisticated audience. The outcome is certain… success! We will celebrate their achievement with a standing ovation when the curtain falls. I can’t wait!

Thanks again for checking in and virtually participating in our little world. We appreciate your support.

  • Breakfast: Quiche Lorraine
  • Weather: 84 degrees (temperatures will be dropping every day for the next few days)
  • Lunch: Turkey, Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato sandwiches
  • Dinner: Chicken Piccata
  • EP: Junior Play: Frozen