June 17 2024

The 2024 Jimbolympiad threaded that elusive needle of the “perfect” EP experience. This is high praise, for we usually regret little things that didn’t work as planned. Things that we will improve the next time we do that event… and there is always stuff to write down. Next time, we hope to do it exactly the same way. Maddie did a great job planning, the counselors did a great job making everything work, and the Kitchen and maintenance crews were proactive and intelligent in implementing the plan. Even The Lord gave us a little miracle nudge just when we needed it.

It was an ominous start. Dark clouds arrived during our picnic, changing an otherwise perfect evening into something more ominous. The wind picked up, whipping up whitecaps on Lake Edith and blowing Poplar leaves across the campus as we gathered on the Pagent Court for the opening ceremonies. The radar showed a massive storm rushing in our direction; Perry went off, and everyone wondered if we would move to an alternative location.

We did not want to move to the FORT, because we wanted to provide a laid-back, yet intense competition between campers and counselors spread out all over camp. Soccer, Dodge Ball, Pickle Ball, Tennis, Triathlon, Easter Egg Hunts, and dozens of little relays and games needed a lot of space. We would have done SOMETHING fun if we had to move to the fort, but it would have made for a frantic high-energy program rather than a relaxed “hang out” program. It wouldn’t have been perfect.

As it was, The Lord formed a bubble of blue sky over our Bubble. Massive black cumulus clouds initially filled the sky. We heard deep rolling thunder in the distance the and the wind gusted… but then things changed. A break in the clouds above camp grew to form a circle of blue sky that was comfortably large and stationary. Surrounding clouds remained as the camp was bathed in a beautiful pink/gold light reflecting off huge clouds. Also, the almost full moon was centered in the patch of blue sky… perfect. This bubble lasted until the “trivia/dance party” portion of the evening, which moved to the Pavilion (a perfect location for that event). At that moment, the rain began. As I said, perfect!

Today, campers will pass levels, read books (glued to stories that have captured their imagination), wallow in DMCs, nestle in bunks, play cards, harvest beans and blackberries, sing, dance, roll down hills, and stomp in puddles. It is the golden time of the summer, and we do not want it to end.

Currently, it is 75 degrees and rising to a high of 84. Scattered rain showers and cooler temperatures suit us fine. Chances are those showers will hit during rest hour, allowing us to sleep for a few more minutes and prepare for a big EP tonight.

Tonight’s Senior Celebration is an EP that shines a spotlight on our Senior group. Each one of the hundred and eight girls has a seat of honor and feels the moment’s significance. They have anticipated this night for many years and will savor every second. Their camp years are drawing to a close, and this is a moment to look back with nostalgia and look forward with joy.

Every girl will perform (sometimes with their cabinmates by their side), making this another long night marked by laughter and tears. The last portion of the evening will feature a presentation of the Senior Court (girls honored by their peers for embodying the Honor Code and Spirit of Greystone). Afterward, they will have a private party and special devotion. They are also given a piece of jewelry (handcrafted by Marilyn for the Seniors every year) and hand-written cards from their counselors. These cards are lovely beyond words and very time-consuming for the counselors. They artfully affirm character traits that shine brightly in their lives. Campers will treasure these cards for a lifetime.

Things might be going wild in the real world, but here in the bubble, life is about perfect. We anticipate every day with keen interest. There is a constant chatter of little voices in every building. It is hard to make announcements and roll the call because of the ongoing conversations that seem so important at the time. Girls are intently focused on finishing projects and passing levels. Every EP is put on by the campers who have worked on that performance most of the summer. The girls know that time is running short and are excited and nostalgic.

Thanks for caring about camp life’s little details and making it all possible!

  • Breakfast Ham and Cheese Bagel
  • Weather 80, rain likely
  • Moonphase 90%, tomorrow is Full Moon
  • Lunch Pesto (no pine nuts) Pasta
  • Dinner Pork Tenderloin, tomato pie, Bread Pudding
  • EP Senior Celebration