July 5 2024

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The campers and counselors are getting tired, as they always do at this point of Main Camp. They are not exhausted, but they certainly have that relaxed demeanor of a person not exerting themselves very much… It is just so pleasant to pull back and veg out. This might concern some parents who feel time is too precious to waste. While we do not allow the girls to skip class, you should know that we encourage them to savor the relaxed side of life at camp. We have a lot of “chill” classes (eno reading, FORT, free swim, Putt Cove Fun, Sailing, Waterpark, Gazette, sunbathing). I would predict that most of our classes are more relaxed at this point of the summer. This makes sense, it is hot and we are tired. This is not a surprise. On the contrary, it is the way it has always been at the end of our second week of Main Camp. A break is in order.

Taking a break is a goal many of us make but find impossible to achieve. We are taught from a young age to make every minute count and thus take pride in working harder than anyone else. Camp families are high-achieving “top of the class” type people, and such people know that the secret sauce is work. Roger Federer’s commencement speech at Dartmouth makes the point beautifully, and I highly recommend checking it out (it’s only 25 minutes and quite good). He acknowledges that hard work is essential (‘effortless is a myth’), we will often fail (“it’s only a point”), and success is found outside of just high achievement (“life is a court”). Camp can (and should) be a counterweight to the relentless pressures of pursuing excellence in the “real world”. We encourage the girls to unwind while here, it is a worthwhile goal for their summer!

That being said, it is also true that time is passing quickly. We only have two more Sleep Late Fridays this summer… we know there are only twenty more days before we leave. As directors, we make the schedule full: packing the days with unique experiences, the nights with “can’t miss” EPs, the meals with proven favorites, and class plans that require effort. The campers are planning too. They make goals to pass levels, and finish projects. enjoy shop dates, read books, learn skills, and have experiences that are unique to this setting. We collapse into our bunks with sighs of contentment and quickly fall asleep. In such a setting, how could we have enough time? When we don’t have enough time, it is a blessing to savor relaxing too. There is a season for everything… this is the season to recharge in a place that “delights and inspires for the glory of God.”

Thank you for allowing them this opportunity.

  • Sleep Late Friday picnic breakfast
  • Breakfast bagels, assorted flavored cream cheeses, sausage, fruit
  • Weather Sunny, 87 degrees, not much breeze yet, afternoon showers
  • Lunch Mac & Cheese, ham, green beans
  • Dinner Pot Roast
  • EP Cabin Night
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