July 4 2024

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The Fourth of July is much anticipated and genuinely celebrated at Greystone. We dress up in gaudy outfits from Walmart or Oriental Trading, play American-themed music as we march to class, and end the day with a blow out carnival and massive fireworks show. The girls LOVE it, it’s a blast! It always has been a big deal, and hopefully always will be joyfully celebrated.

Greystone was founded by Dr. Sevier during the patriotic wave that followed World War I. The United States’ pivotal role in that conflict transformed our national identity. I can only imagine the solemn and inspiring Fourth celebrations back then. Fast forward 20 years, the world was at war again, and our country was the pivotal force for freedom. Most of our camp dads were in the armed forces, and the camp was deeply impacted by the conflict (campers would bring sugar coupons and give to the kitchen so we could have dessert on special occasions). VJ Day was August 15, 1945. Dr. Sevier missed that glorious summer, having died in 1944, but my grandmother used the high spirits of that summer to propel Greystone into some of its best years as a camp.

Greystone has always reflected an optimistic perspective on the state of our country. We love what God has done for us and the world through our republic. Granted, we are not a perfect country. At camp, we look for the good in every situation, and our country has a lot of good. On balance, it is a great country, and we should proudly participate in making it a better one in time. So we celebrate the fourth with exuberant pride!

While classes continue as usual, the camp is buzzing with anticipation for the Fourth of July celebration. We’ll be marching to class as patriotic music plays and watching the carnival preparations with keen interest throughout the day. Carnival Al unloads trailers packed with inflatable rides, Jimmy “Three Fingers” delivers a trailer that is literally filled with fireworks, the Head Staff sets up food tents, and the nurses open a case of Tums “just in case” the need arises before bed.

Nothing but smiles at Greystone, we hope you are having a Great Day, too!

Thanks for checking in.

  • Breakfast Pancakes and Sausage Links
  • Joke Jose can you see
  • Lunch Smoked Turkey Sandwiches
  • Dinner Funnel Cake, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Cotton Candy, Popsicles… and some real food too: Fried Mac and Cheese bites, Fried Pickles, French Fries, Chicken and Waffles, Grilled Cheese, and hot pretzles with beer cheese.
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