July 29 2024

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Summer camps are not understood by most people. It isn’t a “popular” thing to do and most don’t even know about them. Their only contact is through movies like The Parent Trap or Heavyweights… fictional settings for fictional characters. The fact that you are reading this Blog today is remarkable. You have jumped into the unknown with both feet, allowing your little girl this experience takes a lot of courage.

Perhaps you were talked into it by a spouse, close friend, or relative. Perhaps you decided on your own after doing some research. No matter how you got here, if this is your first year you are nervous. The “what ifs” fill your mind and you imagine the worst. This forum is our attempt to allay those fears by giving you a little glimpse into the details of camp life. Little insights into what your girls are experiencing and why they will come home loving camp so much. It is a first step to earning your trust. In two weeks, you will be a convert. You might even tear up on that day just like you teared up today. It is part of the camp experience that we have provided for 105 years. It is amazingly good and we are glad you can experience it now!

We know that your interest in camp varies… so we make the Blog approachable for all. Some will be interested in every little detail. Some are not that interested in camp but feel like you “ought” to at least take a look. No matter your reason for reading, I think anyone with a camper will find the blog worth checking. It doesn’t take much time (you can just check the bullet point details at the bottom of each post, 10 seconds and done, or read every word and spend 5 minutes). I like to write (shoutout to fellow English majors!) and often get carried away when writing about camp. Having spent my whole life here, having seen my grandparents doing what I am doing now, having heard about how my great-grandfather did camp a hundred years ago… I have a lot to say (but I try to contain myself by only writing in the moment… it keeps me from too many words). Don’t use today’s entry as the standard… it is more wordy than most.

Blogs are usually uploaded before lunch so that you can include the details in your emails to the girls. Knowing details like menus, EPs, the weather, etc., will make your emails better! Better emails make happier campers! Use the Blog to craft emails that are rich in camp content so that they focus on the good at camp versus the fun things you are doing at home (campers are very prone to FOMO, particularly in the first few days). There is SO MUCH GOOD in this place… so much fun, so many friends, so many beautiful moments. Focus on that and the girls will too!

We know that you love to see your girls, so we take a lot of pictures. We will post them twice daily, at lunch (about 1:00 PM) and after EP (about 9:30 PM). If you haven’t done so, you should download the CampInTouch app and try out the facial recognition service. Parents have been very happy with this free service this year.

Opening Day is something that we do well. There are many components to the experience, but what stands out to me are the smiles. Our staff is instructed to smile so much it hurts on Opening Day. Their example rubs off on the campers, who also smile as they chatter away (it is always funny to see a cabin taking a tour with every camper talking at the same time). Smiles lead to friends, as noted in the weekend blog post and friends are what we specialize in making at camp.

As I write this, the girls are in their cabins after eating a picnic lunch (smoked turkey, pasta salad, ham, home-baked bread, fruit salad, cheese, brownies). The temperature is a comfortable 81 degrees, clouds are on the horizon, and the promise of afternoon showers is heavy in the air.

Soon we will have a short assembly in the FORT to explain the camp rules and introduce the people who help with ANY needs that the girls might have (we always take care of things immediately, just ask!). Abundant provision with a smile! After the assembly, the girls will take cabin photos, do a swim test at the pool, schedule their classes, and enjoy activities around camp with their cabin. Lots of fun and games to make the get-to-know-you process easy for all.

Tonight we will enjoy our first meal in the Dining Hall (spaghetti), our first EP (Counselor Program Skits), our first crackers, our first cabin devotions and tuck-ins, our first taps, and our first night of sleep in a cabin. I am sure we will wake up tomorrow with high hopes for our first full day of camp.

Observations of the new system (gathering in the riding ring before entering the drop off line):

  • It works! We usually have six unloading stations on the soccer field, you spend about the same amount of time but are moving more frequently (plus… everyone likes movement/ negative… you can’t talk to neighboring cars that much). If it is super rainy (like June Camp opening day this year) this is a better solution.
  • It is probably not as good. The efficiency of the old well-oiled soccer field system is hard to beat, the energy of the many crews unloading next to each other is fun, and the grass is much prettier than the pavement. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! The next time will be better!
  • The Support Crew liked it! Loading the trailers was a breeze in the FORT. Close to cars, in the shade, surrounded by music… it is a luxury and the men have never had it so good!

Let us know your thoughts… we will be sending surveys on Closing Day and will welcome your insights.

Thank you for choosing Greystone. We are honored to be a part of your family!

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