July 20 2024

Production Night was shockingly good. Each dance and every musical performance outstanding in every detail. The costumes, the timing (during and between acts), the choreography… every detail combined seamlessly and made the performance shine. I admit that I wear “camp glasses” during the summer. I don’t go to “real” performances, watch outside media, or see anything other than campers and counselors doing their best with no inhibitions about being silly or making a mistake. They probably aren’t perfect performances, but they feel like perfect performances. They are authentic reflections of genuine talent… by friends.

These big productions build on each other as we enter the last week of Main Camp. First comes the Watershow (tonight), then the Senior Play (Monday). These are the culminating performances of the year and are keenly anticipated.

Greystone is amazing. You might thoughtlessly dismiss that statement because you are used to being sold; your defenses go up; it sounds like a sales pitch, and you are skeptical. I hesitate to even use this adjective because of this fact. Words like “amazing” somehow cheapen the authentic reality of Main Camp, but they are true (inadequate but true). They touch on the deep feelings many feel when reuniting with families next week. They might not have words to answer that first “real” question: “So what did you think about camp?”. Tough question. They often just tear up and look out the window when you ask. We are not equipped to process such emotions. We don’t have the words, just poignant feelings in our hearts.

Anyhow… let’s get back to the facts. Today is Watersports Day (our last big team competition of the year). It is cloudy, and it will likely rain. Rain chances of between 50% and 70% all day – the very definition of a rain day. FINALLY! Morning activities are canceled as we rotate five areas where campers compete to win points for their team. The morning ends with a war canoe race (in the fully restored, 28-foot-long, Old Town wooden canoes…beautifully restored by a Greystone legend, Perry White, several years ago). The winning team will receive the coveted “bear” for the rest of camp. After ALL this buildup, we will end the day with our world-famous Water Show. I say world-famous because it is unique. Not many places celebrate synchronized swimming, but at Greystone, it is HUGE. Three hundred campers will participate in ten choreographed performances. It is a challenging skill, requiring grace and stamina. Once mastered, it is quite lovely, particularly in this setting. It is an extravagance that seems crazy to other camps… but is worthy of this moment. Even in the rain, it will be a memorable program and a springboard to the Senior Play on Monday.

Thank you for your continued support. We’re having a great time as we savor our last weekend at camp.

  • Breakfast Waffles and sausage
  • Joke The Hills are Alive
  • Lunch Ham and Cheese Croissants
  • Dinner Steak and Potatoes
  • Weather 75 degrees, rainy.
  • EP Water Show