July 11 2024

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Another beautiful morning… another sunny summer day… another great memory from another great evening program… another day of activities… another day full of anticipation. More DMCs are being scheduled… more levels to be passed… more events and programs on the calendar. This is what is going on in camp today. It is a story we have consistently seen for generations at Greystone and is wonderful in many ways. It is a unique experience providing memories that stand out in sharp relief for many years. These are the memories of a golden summer spent in a beautiful place with amazing friends. How could they not be treasured?

It is difficult to describe how the various facets of camp life are experienced by the girls. Some girls have found a passion for knitting or needlepoint, carrying their supplies everywhere. Some are memorizing lines for the play, looking off in the distance as they slowly walk to class with their lips silently moving (occasionally glancing down at the well-worn script grasped in hand). Some are counting down the hours till cooking class (where each day brings a new theme), archery, riflery, or metal jewelry (where complicated projects are now getting finished by the day). Evening Programs are a MAJOR focus as each one surprises and delights, raising the bar for what has always been a highly anticipated part of the day. And cabin life (from reveille to rest hour, to tuck-ins and taps) is proving to be a constant golden thread of connection, more appreciated every passing day.

We are committed to each other in a powerful way. The connection is already so strong we can not quite imagine how painful it will be to end it abruptly in two weeks. Most girls do not realize that the two-week countdown has begun, but everyone can see that our days are shorter than three weeks ago. It is quite dark when we are dismissed from EP, and the sun does not break the horizon much before reveille. When days are shortened by 45 seconds a day, the cumulative effect over three weeks makes for a surprising impact. It puts us in mind how precious each day is. Tears will be an added facet of our camp experience late next week… but this week is all about fun.

Corn Roast (aka Corn Fest) was a delightfully entertaining change of pace. Highlights would include the pontoon boat rides by cabin group on Lake Summit, hay rides around camp, fishing on the shores of Lake Edith, carnival games for tickets and fabulous prizes, and lassoing lessons, a silly carnival ride, make yourself homemade ice-cream, face painting, and the list goes on. The corn was once again the highlight of the evening (with over 1000 ears of corn shucked just before dunking in a vat of butter and handed to ravenous girls), but the bbq was also a hit (we did a new Asian/Sothern fusion sauce that the girls loved). Oh yes, we also loved the root beer served cold from kegs delivered this week from Louisiana… such a huge treat!

Breakfast: Fritatta

Breakfast Club: Exercise

Joke: Thanks Daddy

Weather: 86 degrees, sunny, NO chance of rain

Lunch: Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Pimento Cheese, Croissants

Dinner: Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes

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