June Camp 2024!

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One of the great things about the Christian worldview is how it encourages a spirit of gratitude, patience, long-suffering, and joy. This is what I thought of as we closed most of our Opening Day lanes due to a muddy field, causing traffic to back up and forcing some of you to wait in lines (not the first impression we were going for). Despite the inconvenience, you supported us and your campers beautifully. Great parents make great campers… we are sure this group will be special!

We are humbly grateful that you have chosen Greystone for your child’s camp experience. Picking a camp is an expression of trust that should not be taken lightly. Our mission is “To delight and inspire, for the glory of God.” Every summer, we commit 100% to this goal, for this is what will make this summer meaningful. It is an honor to be a part of your family and we look forward to the upcoming summer!

I write daily blogs to provide an inside glimpse of camp in a timely fashion. My aim is to post the blog between 11 and 12, so you can include these up-to-date details in your emails to your girls. By including these details (like what we eat, some EP highlights, the weather, etc.) your communications (emails and handwritten letters) will be better! Turn the focus of your letters toward camp (we don’t want the girls to think they are missing something fun at home)!

“Camp photos’ are about to be a big part of your daily routine… a great way for you to get a glimpse of life at camp. You can quickly find photos of your camper by using one of the services mentioned on our website. We post photos twice daily: before lunch (about 1:00 PM) and after EP (about 9:30 PM). If you don’t see your daughter in the pictures, tell her you want her to jump in front of the camp photographers. Some girls don’t like having their photos taken at home, but they often like getting shots with their friends at camp.

We just sent you an important email that gives you a link to see details about the other girls in your daughter’s cabin and a short video of her counselor. Keep an eye out for it, we know you will want to check it out. The girls are quickly adjusting to camp and are already making friends as they get to know each other. Hearing the chatter from the cabins at this moment makes me smile and should set you at ease. The positive energy of camp is fantastic, with all of the girls riding the wave of camp love.

As I write this, the girls are in their cabins after eating a picnic lunch (smoked turkey, pasta salad, ham, home-baked bread, fruit salad, cheese, brownies). The sky is partly cloudy, there is no chance of rain, and temperatures are a perfect 78 degrees. We are ready to get this session going!

Later this afternoon we will have a short assembly to go over a few camp rules and get to know each other. After the assembly, the girls will take cabin photos, do a swim test at the pool, and enjoy activities around camp with their cabin. Lots of fun and games to make the get-to-know-you process easy for all.

Tonight, we will enjoy our first meal in the Dining Hall (opening day spaghetti), our first EP (Counselor Program Skits on the Pageant Court), our first Crackers, our first cabin devotions, first tuck-ins, our first Taps, our first night of sleep in a cabin. We will all be very tired, and sleep quickly comes as we close our eyes with the calming lullaby of crickets and frogs in the distance. Tomorrow morning, we will wake up with a smile, jump out of bed, clap our hands, and say “It’s going to be a GREAT DAY!”.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

We Love Your Girls and are so happy to be enjoying another summer together!