June 28 2024

There is a lot to celebrate about our EP last night… but I’ll let the pictures do the talking. Suffice it to say, it was a blow out night! We had a lot of fun and will cherish those T-Shirts for a long time!

Time to move on to something less “flashy”!

Later this morning I will have a meeting with the Honor Council class, and this evening I will lead our 105th Opening Vespers, so we might as well spend a bit of time on these much-loved parts of camp. Both carry weight that is hard to convey without a little history. So if you are a Greystone Expert already, skip to the end!

A few years ago, we updated the Honor Council. We thought that after 100 years, it was OK to do a refresh. We dropped the “mysterious” system that we used to tap girls to serve and allowed any interested Senior-Senior camper the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in a leadership program. Those who complete the program are admitted into the permanent Honor Council and given their gold G.

Many of this year’s Senior Class decided on Tuesday to join this year’s Honor Council, committing to three classes a week (held at 5th period MWF, led by a variety of camp leaders and alumnae) and two service hours every week. This is a significant commitment over the summer, and we are proud of the girls for choosing to grow in this way. Their first class was on Wednesday, led by Sandi. Here is a peak at her outline for that class time:

  • We are a community that affirms God is who HE says He is and the Bible is His self-revelation, we look to HIM to define what leadership is.

  • Servant leadership defined: Mark 10:35-45 – James and John wanted GREATNESS.

  • How did Jesus define greatness?

  • How did Jesus demonstrate this?

  • How does this kind of leadership differ from the world’s idea of leadership and greatness?

Identity is the foundation for Leadership: Identity is an essential part of being human yet there are so many confusing messages for a young girl about exactly, what, your identity is based on. The Bible makes it clear upon what, or whom, our identity is based. Gen 1 – we have dignity/worth because made by the one who is Fully worthy! Ex 4 – God kept turning Moses focus to who HE is – the great I AM….


  • How do I now see myself in light of who God is and every person I come into contact with is an image-bearer
  • What does God want for me in this moment with this person?
  • Use character chart and share a strength or weakness with a friend
  • Pick a character attribute of God and find a practical way to act on it in camp.

Margaret and I will lead a less impressive meeting today… one that focuses on “stories” of leadership from our lives. I will speak of my first work experience at camp and how it established a foundation for all subsequent jobs. How those jobs (both in camp in the “real world” always required leadership and the template I would use when assuming a new role. Margaret will speak of her High School and College years (which had far more impressive leadership honors than I ever had), her years as a Pediatrician, and her years at Greystone. The girls love hearing these stories which show that leadership is not a one size fits all character trait.

Tonight, we will enjoy our Opening Vespers program. Not flashy but good in every sense of the word. This is a tradition that has remained the same for generations. We tell the story of love and light (the Linsey Woolsey story), recite our verses by cabin group, and light our candles. The beauty is profound and impacts us all. Opening Vespers is counter-intuitive (would you have thought such a program for a teenager?), but it is very special to the campers (who consistently rank it as a favorite summer event). It is a cherished tradition, and the girls look forward to it. It will be the perfect “chill” ending to our Shalom Sleep Late Day!

I could go on forever… but time is short so I’ll just bullet point the rest

  • Barbie EP last night was a hit Obviously!
  • Sleep Late Friday is a hit The girls needed the extra hour of sleep and it is fun to mix things up a bit every week. Already looking forward to next Friday.
  • Breakfast Picnic with Frittata, sausage, fruit, yogurt, granola
  • Weather Cooler, highs in the low 80’s
  • Lunch Roast Beef Sandwiches
  • Dinner Honey Chicken (an old Hollowell family recipe, new to Main Camp)
  • EP Closing Vespers