June 19 2024

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What a show! Countless hours were invested by the 108 campers who comprised this year’s cast and crew. The directors spent long nights and early mornings pouring their very souls into meticulous class plans that culminated with everything coming together at the last minute. The program included set design, props, sound, lighting, choreography, singing, and acting. It was amazing. The standing ovation was heartfelt and immediate when the curtain call began. The roar when the lead actors bowed deeply was deafening. The even louder roar when the backstage crew reluctantly emerged from the wings (huge smiles, hugging each other) brought tears to my eyes. It was wonderful. The best moment of my year, and I am so happy for the girls to have that memory.

The weather is once again perfect. Despite the heat in other places, we are blessed with warm but not muggy days (highs in the low 80s) and cool but not cold nights. There’s almost no chance of rain, and the moon will be full for our Closing Vespers service on the Pagent Court.

We will also have our final Council Fire of June Camp this evening. I will tell the “MeMe Bird” story that my grandmother Virginia first told seventy years ago in the same place and at the moment in the progression of camp. Back then, we only had one session. It was much smaller (both in the number of campers and the number of acres), much longer (almost 8 weeks), and much simpler (about 25 classes). Though much has changed, much has remained the same… genuine friendships are formed, significant growth is experienced, and funny memories are mixed with poignant memories to form a feeling about camp that lasts a lifetime. The quiet time spent in the sacred space of Council Fire will enhance the impact of the candles held high around the flagpole. After we say “goodnight Greystone girls” the girls quietly leave (often wiping tears from their eyes) and go back to their cabins. The candles packed away with other camp memorabilia, artwork, letters, and journals… to be later unpacked with a flood of memories.

We love your girls. They are wonderful in ways that astound (a fact that you know well). Their kindness, unselfishness, attentiveness, abilities, sense of humor, whimsy, creativity, and charm are remarkable. The impact of so many campers and counselors who are like this is amazing… multiply that by the many days we have shared singing, dancing, laughing, talking, thinking, learning, playing, and praying, and you can imagine why we think camp is the best place on earth. It is good.

Thank you for letting us be a part of your family.

  • Weather Warm (84 degrees), Moon at 94% full.
  • Breakfast: Belgium Waffles and sausage
  • Joke: Pavement
  • Lunch: Mojo Pork, rice and beans, red cabbage, with Apple Slaw
  • Dinner: Spaghetti Casserole
  • EP: Council Fire and Closing Vespers
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