June 17 2024

So many things to write about, but I don’t have much time (a common problem during the last week of camp) so I will just hit the highlights.

Age limits at camp. Eighty-four of our June Campers are rising 8th graders and can only return to Main Camp. Many of you would like them to return to June Camp instead of jumping to Main and are annoyed that we have this restriction. We explained our thinking in a Blog a couple years ago. Read it if you are interested in knowing the “why” of this policy.

Sisters… We encouraged sisters to get their pictures taken together after church yesterday. There is something special about how camp impacts a sibling relationship. Sisters who attend camp together often grow closer from the shared experience. Brothers often notice how much nicer their sisters are after returning home (at least for a couple of days). We loved seeing the sisters hang out during this precious time. They obviously liked getting their pictures taken in the Sunday best!

The weather continues to be about perfect. Saturday was a hot one, but low humidity… and the forecast predicted muggy high temperatures for the rest of camp. Secretly, I was bummed. Hot, humid days are not my favorite. But everything changed on Sunday when our high temperatures were in the very low 80s, and today it will be 80 again, and it feels glorious (cloud cover and a delightful breeze). This pattern will continue for the entire week… the warmest day will be Friday (86 degrees).

The moon is getting bigger every night. Tonight will be 79% (very bright but the clouds will likely hide it from view). Tomorrow will be even brighter with not a cloud in the sky! We love celebrating a full moon, it is so pretty and makes us happy.

We changed tables today. With this small adjustment, the volume level in the dining room lowered considerably (as the girls adjusted to their new friends). This reprieve will only last one meal… by lunch, it will be raucous again!

Classes are more intense as the girls strive to meet goals to pass levels, finish projects, and perfect performances.

Production Night Is Here!!! Tonight’s EP has a cast of hundreds as the campers perform their dances, songs, skits, and guitar skills. The performers are nervously giddy with anticipation and are practicing on the outdoor stage during their class time. It is a great show, highlighting the amazing talent at camp.

Laughter… At Main Camp, tears mark our last week. Poignant longing describes the feeling of camp (as the girls mourn the impending separation from their friends). At June Camp, light-hearted joy marks the same point in this session. Most of these girls simply love every minute of every camp day (each of which seems to get better than the one before). There is a foundational joy rooted in the upcoming reunion on Friday.

Greystone Honey is amazing. I just have to say… our experiment with honey bees has proven successful, as we harvested 300 pounds of honey last week alone. We didn’t consume all 300 pounds, but came close! It is a lovely dark color, coming from the bee’s location in the outback river pasture (surrounded by wetlands and mountainous woodlands that provide the bees with lots of pollen to bring to the hive). I think we are healthier for all this honey (which is said to aid in allergies to pollen). Poured onto warm bread straight from the oven, it is heavenly!

Breakfast Pancake Pandamonium (everyone dressed up crazy or wore pajamas, we served marshmallow fluff and sprinkles to ramp up the pancakes experience… big hit!).

Joke A Little Horse

Lunch Sweet Potato Tacos, Rice Krispy treats


EP Production Night